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P. 21


         Message From The President
         Of Cricket Foundation Of Mahinda College

                                          Kumar Samarsinghe

                                          The President
                                          Cricket Foundation Of
                                          Mahinda College

         It is with great pleasure I pen this message on the occasion of “Silver Jubilee” souvenir of
         Colonel Henry Steel Olcott Memorial Sports Foundation.

         The CHSOMSF established in year 1996 with very clear objectives of maintaining continuous
         brotherhood, helping each other in many ways for past and present pupil in all schools and
         doing yeoman service to meet its objectives for the last 25 years.

         We must appreciate the efforts made by the people who actively involved in the foundation
         for 25 years of successful journey.

         Finally, I would like to wish Henry Steel Olcott Memorial Sports Foundation all the best in its
         future endeavors.

                                        Col. Henry Steele Olcott Memorial Sports Foundation - 2021
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