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P. 19

Message From The President
         Of Dharmaraja College Cricket Foundation

                                          Nalin Dhammika Abeykoon

                                          President - DRCCF
                                          Dharmaraja College Cricket Foundation.

         Col. Henry Steele Olcott, founder who was established Dharmaraja College  on 30th June 1887 as
         theKandy Buddhist High School. The name was changed  to Dharmaraja College in 1899.Cricket was
         introduced to Dharmaraja College  during the period  Sir D.B. Jayathilaka was the Principal (1890
         -1897). Cricket and football  clubs had been formed and the  members of the  staff also had played
         in  the  teams.  The  cricket  team  had  been  captained  by  the  Principal  Mr.  D.B.  Jayathilaka.  The  first
         Buddhist schools cricket match had been played in 1893   between  Dharmaraja and Maliyadeva
         College (Kurunegala Buddhist School).Cricket matches with Ananda College (Colombo Buddhist
         English School) had also been played during that time.

         In the latter part of 1891 both Cricket and Football clubs have ceased to  function  due to   shortage of

         With the appointment of    Mr. K.F. Billmoria as the Principal in 1902, there had been a revival of the
         cricket and football clubs. As a solution to the problem of fund, he had imposed a fee of cents 60 per
         term from each senior student.  He had emphasized the advantages of playing cricket in molding the
         character of the students.Very soon cricket had become very popular in the school, and two cricket
         teams ( 1st and 2nd X1) had been formed. Regular Inter class cricket matches had been very popular.
         First  inter school match after Billimoria took over had been played with the Balapitya Buddhist School
         (Dharmasoka College ) which the  Rajans had won. Dharmaraja played Second match with Mahinda
         College, Galle.

         Mr. P de S Kularatna Principal, Dharmaraja College, 1932-36   revived cricket in 1933 and commenced
         playing matches with Ananda, Nalanda, Mahinda, and Sri Sumangala. Since then these matches have
         been regular annual fixtures. Now Rajans are playing with all eight leading Olcott schools; Ananda,
         Nalanda, Dharmasoka, Dharmapala, Mahinda, Maliyadeva and Rahula as an annual fixture.

         Col. Henry Steele Olcott Memorial Sports Foundation, formed in 1996 by distinguish old boys of
         Dharmaraja, Ananda, Nalanda, Dharmasoka,  Dharmapala, Mahinda, Maliyadeva and Rahula. Since
         1996 up to 2021 Olcott Memorial Sports Foundation done tremendous work to build strong brotherhood
         and support to school cricket. One of the main events is annual cricket tournament and get-to-gather.
         As the president of Dharmaraja college cricket foundation I wish to express my great honour and wish
         all the success in endeavors of Col. Henry Steele Olcott Memorial Sports Foundation at their 25th
         anniversary, “Silver Jubilee”.

                                        Col. Henry Steele Olcott Memorial Sports Foundation - 2021
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