Page 57 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
P. 57

51    Evaluation of the Results                                              52

            2                 Norah McGuiness:   3                  Roderic O’Connors’:
                              © public domain.                      © public domain.

           to  be  decoded  by the educated       In Ireland still life has had a re-
           observer. In France, the still life    vival and is as popular now as it
           was not valued much at first, but      was in the 18th century.
           in the middle of the 18th centu-
           ry, it reached its climax through      Still-life paintings related to food
           the works of Siméon Chardin.           are always at the forefront in Irish
           After this golden age of still-life    art galleries. Artists including
           paintings, the genre lost in pop-      Charles Brady and his Japanese
           ularity. At the end of the 19th        Pear   1 , Norah McGuinness and
           century, however, realists and         her “Still Life with Strawberries
           impressionists rediscovered the        on Garden Table”   2  and Roderic
           genre. At this time, many obser-       O‘Connors’ work   3  can be seen
           vations of nature were depicted        in the National Gallery where the
           with deep allegorical meanings.        students got their inspiration for
                                                  their art work when visiting in
                                                  February 2018.

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