Page 81 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
P. 81

75    Evaluation of the Results                                              76

           your health, as well as the reduction   products used are not packaged. The
           of animal suffering. When keeping a   rejection of cereals and the eating
           vegetarian diet, one can use animal   of fruits, vegetables and meat are
           products , for example skins and     called the paleo-diet. This resem-
           leather can be used.                 bles, or is similar to, the supposed
                                                eating behaviour in the Stone Age.
           Also interesting is the low-fat diet   Losing weight, avoiding diabetes
           that means avoiding high-fat prod-   and MS, as well as alleviating auto-
           ucts, so that you get a maximum      immune diseases is possible.
           of every third calories from fat. It
           is hoped that this will lead to a re-  In the low-carbohydrate diet, fats
           duction in body weight. In contrast   and proteins are used as an alterna-
           to the low-fat diet, ketogenic diet   tive to carbohydrates, so you should
           increases the amount of fatty foods   consume less than 50g of carbohy-
           and carbohydrates. It is hoped that   drates per day. This way you can
           this will lead to a loss of body weight   lose weight quickly without feeling
           and a reduction in the risk of devel-  hungry and chronic diseases are pos-
           oping diabetes and cancer.           itively influenced. Additionally, one
                                                can find the trend of food combin-
                 urthermore, there is the so-   ing, which is about considering what
           F called Whole Food Diet. It         foods  you  are  eating  together  and
           describes the consumption of fresh   how this impacts on your digestive
           and natural products which are not   system. People following this diet
           or minimally pre-treated. These      will e.g. eat fruit on an empty stom-
           foods are supposed to be healthier   ach  and  not  combine  high  protein
           and more valuable. These include     foods or carbs together in the hope
           whole grain products and some an-    of improving their digestive health.
           imal products. The aim is to prevent   This diet is most of all part of a very
           intestinal (=bowel) cancer and a     strong diet trend in Ireland.
           lower cholesterol level. In addition,
           less waste is produced because the

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