Page 78 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
P. 78

73    Evaluation of the Results



           O progress is very much chang- “                  The easy

                  ur accelerating technological

           ing the way we live. With the vast       and cheap access
                                                    to calorically
           number of resources created since the
           industrial revolution first started in   dense food has
           the 19th century, our diet and means     made obesity
           of getting food have been completely     an epidemic in
           revolutionized. However, while ena-
           bling the feeding of large masses of     the developed
           people,  at  the  same  time  there  are   world.
           some complications. There are many
           known diseases that are much more
           prevalent in our current day and age   This  causes  major  effects,  such  as
           than they were in the past.          bone joint and tissue damage, in-
                                                creased risk of cardiovascular diseas-
           There are huge physiological issues   es and strokes, or contributes to com-
           that come with our modern lifestyle.   plications  in  child development.  In
           Today it is possible, and, in fact,   addition to the physiological impact
           much too easy, for the average person   obesity has on a person, it diminishes
           to become obese.                     their self-esteem and quality of life.

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