Page 88 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
P. 88

83    Evaluation of the Results

                 ast  year,  France  became  the  first
           L country in the world to ban super-
           markets from throwing away or destroy-
           ing  unsold food.  Instead, it  forces  them
           to  donate  surplus food to  charities  and
           food banks. According to the French reg-
           ulation, large supermarkets are no longer
           allowed to throw away good quality food
           approaching its “best-before” date. If they
           don‘t comply they will get a fine up to 75
           000 euros.

           Furthermore, all French supermarkets are
           also forbidden to destroy food as a way
           to prevent so-called “dumpster divers” or
           “freegans” from  getting food from garbage
           bins. That is why the interviewees of stu-
           dents in France in supermarkets said that
           food waste in hypermarkets and super-
           markets has been drastically reduced. In
           their small supermarkets, they were also
           trying to waste less food but they explained
           that it was more difficult for them, even if
           most of them were working with a charity
           or a food bank.


           Food Waste:
           © public domain.

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