Page 92 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
P. 92

87    Evaluation of the Results



                 he nutrition of young people   A trend towards self-sufficien-
           T is a very essential aspect of      cy is also evident, with students
           their lives. It is very important for   away from home, many snacks are
           the  formation  of  cultural  and  so-  bought with their „peer groups“.
           cial identity. Young people eat very   However, the focus meanwhile is
           differently, but are mostly oriented   not on eating, but on experiencing
           towards people of the same age, the   something, e.g. eating, with peers,
           „peer group“. Accordingly, nutrition   which continues to lead to the for-
           is very age-related.                 mation  of  identity.Young  people
                                                prefer inexpensive food, which is
           Meals at the family table are the    available with their limited money.
           first decisive factor for identity for-  Body-modelled eating behaviour is
           mation. If the hunger persists, the   also a trend among young people,
           young people usually serve them-     especially girls. Body-modelled eat-
           selves at the refrigerator, which is   ing behaviour means a strong con-
           usually  well-stocked.  This  eating   trol of one’s diet in order to achieve
           behaviour is normally tolerated by   an „ideal“ body image, i.e. socially
           the parents.                         controlled norms, which vary from
                                                time to time.

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