Page 93 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
P. 93

87    Evaluation of the Results                                              88

           How much money
           do teenagers spend on food?

           Since food is an important factor for young people, they also spend a great
           amount of money on it. Statistics show that with 46.9% of young people’s
           purchasing power, eating and drinking is the third most important month-
           ly expense for young people. Another statistic shows the exact dates and
           amounts of spending on food and drink:

            Spending     0 to 10    11 to 25    25 to 50   51 to 100  Over 100
            Areas         Euros      Euros       Euros      Euros       Euros

            and        26,3 % 46,4 % 14,5 % 9,9 % 2,9 %

           Example: Purchasing power of young people in France.

           Most of the French students who answered the questionnaire on the topic
           have between 10-20 euros pocket money a week.  About 60 % of them don‘t
           buy food with their pocket money but when they do, it is only because they
           are hungry or they buy cakes biscuits and crisps. About 50% of them eat
           crisps or sweets several times a week.

               n fact, in France, young people   bagels, fish and chips). However,
           I tend to have less than the tra-    studies on teens diet of  the Pro-
           ditional three meals a day, as they   gramme de recherche AlimAdos de
           often skip breakfast. They eat more   l‘Agence nationale de la recherche,
           ready-made dishes (e.g. pizza, sand-  show that teen age is the moment
           wiches, snacks, fast-food) and „glo-  when people are experimentint, i.e.
           balized food“ (e.g. sushi, cupcakes,   with a greater flexibility and dis-

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