Page 98 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
P. 98

93    Evaluation of the Results

                  p to 1935 all work was done by hand, such as the laborious process
           U of grain harvesting, which at that time was still done by horses and
           plough. The tedious work of the past is now done by machines such as trac-
           tors. Tractors, combines, plows, etc. are much larger and move much faster
           than horses, so farmers are able to produce more food in a shorter amount
           of time. This saves lots of time and personnel - but has a large energy con-

           Another contrast between those times and today is the need for agricultural
           products. In the past, farmers were mostly self-sufficient, today they sell,
           and even export their products. The methods in the field of agriculture have
           also changed drastically. Today animals (in the case they are used) are raised
           differently and have other, all too often not according to ethical standards,
           places to live.
               “        All in all, there were many

               changes in agriculture in the de-
               velopment from the past to today,

               which make the work easier, faster
               and more efficient. ”

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