Page 101 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
P. 101

95    Evaluation of the Results                                              96

           the human diet. This is especially im-  10%. When comparing those young
           portant when talking about the topic   people to those that belong to the
           of obesity, because there is an obvi-  lower economic class it is immedi-
           ous difference between the wealthy   ately evident that poorer people suf-
           and the poor people.                 fer from obesity at a far higher rate
                                                than their wealthier counterparts.
                  s we explained before, obesi-  Young men are obese at a rate of
           A ty is a serious problem today.     22% in lower economic circumstanc-
           For the first time in history, there   es, while women have an obesity rate
           are now more people suffering from   of a 25%. Here it is also important
           obesity than show symptoms of food   to notice that women seem to suffer
           deprivation. And the number of       to an even greater degree than men
           obese people is steadily rising over   regarding the rate of obesity.
           the world. Obesity has been proven
           to be linked to cancer, cardiac dis-  It is also crucial to realize that the
           eases, strokes and high blood pres-  eating behaviour, which is learned
           sure among other symptoms and is     in the early years of one’s life, is very
           therefore an immense public health   difficult to change when a person is
           risk.                                older.  This hints at the fact that the
                                                solution for that problem is to be
           When observing a group of young      found in the early years of a person.
           people between the age of 11 to
           17 years, one can clearly see that   Looking outside of the European
           some of those individuals are suf-   continent, the USA also shows a link
           fering from obesity. When sorting    between poverty and obesity. In the
           the groups based on their economic   US, wherever a critical economic sit-
           status, one can see that young males   uation dominates, the rate of obesi-
           belonging to the upper class suffer   ty increases significantly. There are
           from obesity at a rate of about 12%.   seven US states which hold both
           Girls from the same class are even   titles; one of the poorest and most
           less likely to be obese at a rate of   obese states at the same time.

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