Page 100 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
P. 100

95    Evaluation of the Results



           The Food Gap                        therefore is very rich in fresh fish,
           Between the Poor                    they use a lot of tinned fish as ba-
           and the Rich                        sic food. Apart from the diversity
                                               of foods  themselves, there  is also  a
                he food and drinks we consume  wide range of customs and behav-
           Tevery day are the chemical foun-   iours which also vary from culture to
           dation of our existence. It does not  culture. For example, there are many
           matter whether it is a fresh salad or  different forms of table manners, the
           a sugary dessert.  This nourishment  place of food consumption and the
           gives us what we need to live and  way how the food is consumed (e.g.
           our body creates cells with its com-  on the go, with the family, alone).
           ponents. Therefore, food is absolutely
           essential and has an enormous influ-  But  there  are  not  only  differences
           ence on our physical and psychologi-  between nationalities, cultures or ge-
           cal well-being.                     ographic areas. Even within a single
                                               nation or culture there can be tremen-
           Vastly different cultures have exist-  dous  differences  between  different
           ed on a plethora of different combi-  groups of people. The most distinc-
           nations of food. For example, rice is  tive example of the difference between
           mostly eaten in the Asian regions due  groups would be that of rich and poor
           to the climatic conditions it needs to  people. The socio-economic status of
           flourish. In Portugal however, which  an individual seems to be one of the
           is located at the Atlantic Ocean and  most important factors that influence

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