Page 99 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
P. 99

93    Evaluation of the Results                                              94


           Retailers are companies engaged in   that “Ireland were the biggest in-
           offering goods and services for con-  ternational online shoppers in the
           sumers. In Europe there are round    world” where €2.7 billion was spent
           about 9,000 retailers. Europe is     at foreign owned websites last year.
           the most important retail region     An estimated 2.2 million consumers
           worldwide, due to a high GDP and     made at least one purchase from an
           high living standards. The general   overseas online retailer in 2017.
           wealth is well above the world’s av-
           erage. Among the top 10 retailers in       ecause of changing con-
           Europe in turnover value, five com- B sumption habits, prices have
           panies are from Germany and three    dropped and special offers are avail-
           from France.                         able on almost every street corner.
                                                The convenience offered by neigh-
           In August 2017, Portugal had the     bourhood hypermarkets (very big
           highest decrease (less than 1,3%) in   supermarkets) is influencing our
           the volume of retail sales among the   consumption and buying habits.
           EU countries. In the euro zone the
           decrease in retail trade was about   There are different types of retailers,
           0,5%.                                for example, department stores, gro-
                                                cery stores and supermarkets, ware-
           In Ireland, particularly in Dublin,   house retailers, specialty retailers,
           retailers have noticed a dramat-     convenience retailers, discount re-
           ic fall in consumers entering their   tailers, mobile retailers and Internet
           shops. This is primarily due to the   retailers. All of them are specialized
           increasing trend in online shopping   on a different variety of products
           by Irish consumers.  In August 2018   and a different location.
           it was reported by The Irish Times

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