Page 72 - ION Indie Magazine JulyAugust 2019
P. 72

LaPlegua’s appreciation for Wally’s begins with his own love for motorcycles. When he isn’t
               writing, recording, or touring, he has his own shop to build custom bikes. Currently, he’s
               riding a Harley V-twin hard-tail chopper that he designed for himself. Andy excitedly told
               ION he is in the process of building a bike for his new fiancé, Liv Blankenship.

               New and exciting things seem to be a theme for Andy, both in his personal and professional
               life. Not only is he planning a wedding with Liv, but he has acquired two new drummers for
               Combichrist. Former Combichrist drum technician, Will Spodnick, has moved up the ranks
               to now becoming their official drummer. Taking the second slot is Dane White, who Andy
               met through virtual auditions. White stood out from the other top 10 musicians that Andy
               had narrowed it down to because of the way he plays. “I just couldn’t shake it,” LaPlegua
               said of Andy’s auditions. When the two finally met in person at their first rehearsal, Andy
               knew he had made the perfect decision.

               White  and  Spodnick  joined  the  band  in  March  2019  after  Joe  Letz  parted  ways
               professionally with Andy. LaPlegua said he and Letz are on good terms and even better
               friends now. LaPlegua said that White and Spodnick bring a brand-new energy to the band.
               He feels as if Combichrist has hit a reset button with their new album, entitled “One Fire,”
               which came out on June 7 .

               “There is so much positive energy. We are starting over, but it incorporates everything we’ve
               done up to this point. It feels like we’re coming full circle,” Andy said when asked about the
               new album. “We also have a cover of the Dead Kennedy’s song ‘California Uber Alles’ on
               this album, which means a lot to me,” LaPlegua reminded ION. “Give Me Convenience or
               Give Me Death” was the first album LaPlegua’s uncle bought him at the age of nine. Andy
               picked out the album based on the cover art alone and fell in love with the music.

               “The  background  of  ‘One  Fire’  is  a  lot  about  mental  health  and  mental  illness.  It’s  so
               important to talk about. If you’re missing a limb, people talk about it because you can see
               it. Mental health issues are important too. Even though you can’t see them, they’re there.
               It’s about encouraging people to swallow their pride and get help. It’s so important to break
               the cycle,” Andy told ION. He described the writing process as “fucking up his world real
               bad sometimes” since he has to put himself in that mindset to write. LaPlegua much prefers
               performing over the act of writing music. “In the studio, when recording, you’re sucking it in.
               But when you do a show, you get to get it out,” said Andy, referring to the cathartic release
               the crowd experiences at a Combichrist show.

               As ION entered the venue for the opening act, ION encountered a fan with a tattoo bearing
               the word “Never” tattooed on one forearm and  “Surrender” inked on the other from the
               Combichrist album “No Redemption” and the official soundtrack to the videogame “Devil
               May Cry” (DmC). “Music has helped me through so much. All I have to do is look down to
               remember,” the fan shared with ION. It’s safe to say Combichrist has ignited one fire in all
               the members of this Combichrist army – a legion whose numbers are growing by the day.

               Learn more about Combichrist and follow them at:

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