Page 67 - ION Indie Magazine JulyAugust 2019
P. 67

Now, let us get into some issues that independent musicians face in the Windy City. The large city
        venues want bands to be able to draw from the surrounding suburbs. They want you to sell tickets on
        “off” nights as well. If you are playing a Friday or Saturday night it might be easier to sell tickets, but
        then you are going up against national mega-stars. If you are accepted enough to consistently play the
        music venues, then trying to compete in the bar scene is ridiculous. The bar owners simply want to
        make money. They love to hire cover bands, tribute bands, or maybe they’ll host a karaoke night. If you
        do get an original music gig, the patrons aren’t there for the music. If one of the major sports team is
        having a big game, the TVs will be on and you must wait to play. As with any major city, there are plenty
        of distractions to work against you. And do not even get me started with the weather and all the variables
        that Mother Nature provides. We do not have the time nor space for me to get into that analysis.

        I love Chicago. There is a lot of talent in the city and its surrounding suburbs. Tiny Kingdoms is one of
        those bands. They are comprised of four friends who were influenced by the likes of Circa Survive,
        Taking Back Sunday, Silverstein, and others. The band lineup includes Jake Newling (drums), Nico
        Miural (guitar/vocals), Nick Collins (bass), and Ryan Mitchell (guitar). I am extremely proud to present
        to you the ReverbNation featured artist…Tiny Kingdoms.

        Tiny Kingdoms is a true indie rock band. Their genre is a bit of this and that. Again, as I have written
        many times, it is all rock-n-roll to me. One thing is for certain in whatever genre box you try to fit them
        into; they are damn good. Their unbridled passion flows through their chords, melodies, rhythms, and
        powerhouse vocals which dance into the ears of the listener, leaving a memorable and highly energetic
        impression. They represent the kind of band that I would stand up with and take a punch. They are
        talented, deserving, and hardworking, hidden within the confines of the Upper Midwest grit. Yet, check
        out their official video of the song “Cadets” and you will agree that their sound far transcends the vague
        and vast boundaries that many refer to as Chicago.

        Tiny Kingdoms are doing what they can to be noticed in the giant kingdom of Chicago. They are playing
        the usual original act rooms like The Subterranean, Beat Kitchen, and suburban haunts when and
        where they can. They also get out on the road when possible for short runs. They face all the dilemmas
        that independent acts confront. They must juggle their life responsibilities with their passion. However,
        these cats are keeping the dream alive! They are set to release a new single this August, “Tides.” Then
        in the Fall, they will be recording at AGB Studios in Indiana working with the well-respected and highly
        regarded  producer  Seth  Henderson.  Their  next  tour  run  will  take  them  to  Ann  Arbor,  Michigan,
        Indianapolis, Indiana, and Champaign, Illinois. They are working the upper Midwest circuit as hard as
        they can. They have also made jaunts to New York, Florida, and to Austin, TX to play during SXSW.

        Tiny Kingdoms works, lives, and plays in the city of big shoulders. Like all DIY acts in the region, they
        balance the burden of that work on their own shoulders. They are the kind of band that deserves so
        much more, and I fully expect that you will be hearing more about them -- if talent and tenacity are any
        measure of a band’s noteworthiness. And by all means -- if you have the chance to cross their path,
        get out and see them live!

        Support those pursuing their dreams against the odds. Sometimes…magic happens.

        Learn more about Tiny Kingdoms on ReverbNation at:
        Official Video “Cadets”
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