Page 125 - ION Indie Magazine JulyAugust 2018 Issue
P. 125

Britt and I decided on a band out of Boston to feature. No, not THAT band, but clearly a Boston rock band that
        also has amazing, powerful vocals and a driving, layered guitar sound. Ladies and gentlemen, we introduce to
        you, ION Indie Magazine’s ReverbNation Artist of the Month: Dive the Tower.

        Clearly, Dive The Tower was the standout of our rock submissions. I listened and vetted so many entries that
        when I first heard Dive the Tower, my feeling was they would finally end my search. I was floored. I had been
        running  submissions  past  Brittany  and  truth  be  told…she  mostly  turned  up  her  nose.  When  she  put  the
        headphones on for Dive the Tower, however, a very large smile crossed her face. The track was their new single
        “New Love vs Old Habits.” Once she finished, her commentary was, “These guys are the real deal. I love them!”
        Now that may seem a rather simplistic statement to you, however, knowing how harsh of a music critic Brittany
        can be, it was a resounding endorsement. Also, just to be sure, I had my wife Jen listen also…and guess what?
        Another enthused affirmation. Those two “loves of my life” are both strongly opinionated music lovers. Done

        Dive the Tower features Morgan Sweet (lead vocals), Phil Paicopolos (guitar), Derek Almeida (guitar and vocals),
        Mark Boado (drums) and Jim Tata (bass and vocals). Without a doubt, these guys rock and have been tearing up
        New  England  since  early  2013.  They  are  now  firmly  established  in  the  Boston  rock  scene  and  are  surely
        somebody you should catch live if you are on the East Coast. Their powerful energy is quick to hit you and all
        the music that I have heard from them grabs you right away and holds your attention throughout. I have not
        been able to catch them live, yet, but that is now firmly etched on my “to do” list, should our paths cross.

        Seasoned rock veterans like Dive the Tower are established in their respective scenes, proving that New England
        rock is in great hands and well-represented. Knowing what I do about other regions and the talent that is
        flourishing within, I would even venture to say that the rock genre is not only alive but is thriving. Now add on
        the fact that teen bands in and around music hubs are leaving their mark as rock acts and are amassing engaged
        and dedicated fan bases, and I’d venture that rock’s future is a bright one – and such bands as Dive The Tower
        are joining in the movement, serving as a beacons of light.

        Brittany and I have deeply discussed the state of rock music in the present age and we both firmly believe the
        death that should be reported is that of mainstream terrestrial radio. Music lovers now listen via their preferred
        platforms, whether it is Spotify, Soundcloud, ReverbNation, iTunes, Live 365, or independent internet radio on
        their phones and laptops. The large corporate labels that own most of the big city radio stations dictate what is
        being played, spoon-feeding their artists and their genres to a general public that assumes that this must be
        what is popular. We say that true music lovers know otherwise. We dig bands like Dive the Tower and other
        independents, as they are the trailblazers in the new direction of rock. You may not have heard of Dive The
        Tower before, but once you listen to their music, much like Brittany, a smile will cross your face and you too will
        know…ROCK IS NOT DEAD!

        You can check them out the video of their hard-driving, high-energy song “Get Me Out” here:

        And be sure to visit their ReverbNation page at:
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