Page 93 - ION Indie Magazine JanFeb 2018
P. 93
Making a Difference – Now or Never
Music by Joe Kane The Trac Killa
“Get Out The Way”
Interview by Jere Perry
While ION Indie Magazine is a music magazine, JK: We’ve been working on the new project “Now or Never.”
sometimes the good a human being represents can We’ve got it finished, recorded. We’ve got eighteen solid
compel me to look not only at the music, but look beyond tracks recorded. We are in the process of mixing and
at the good they do outside of music, and it draws me in. mastering. I’m actually working on the follow up to “Now or
While I make no representation to be an expert in the Never” which will be “Now or Never Again.” (I am) working
rap/hip hop genre, I know good people when I see them. on a few other ventures outside of music, trying to start a
JOE KANE is a good person and as far as I can tell, the clothing line, and hopefully, a cologne soon. So, we got a
song he has provided to us prior to this interview is pretty couple of things in motion.
good stuff too. I would love nothing more than to see an
independent artist with big talent -- and an even bigger JP: Did you say eighteen tracks?
heart -- make a huge mark in the industry and the world.
After this interview concluded I hoped more than ever JK: Yeah, eighteen tracks (laughing).
that Joe Kane is that person. I hope you enjoy the
interview and the music. Look for his eighteen-track JP: Is that going to be a digital release, or will it be on CD?
release “Now or Never” very soon wherever digital music
is available. JK: We are gonna do hard copies, but we are focusing more
on the digital side. We will do a limited number of hard
Jerry Perry: We have not interviewed many rap/hip hop copies and push it more digitally.
artists in ION Indie Magazine. In fact, this is the only
third time to my recollection that we have featured JP: How long have you been doing this?
someone from this genre.
JK: I’ve been doing music since like ’98, but taking it serious,
Joe Kane: This is a blessing. I appreciate it. performing, putting money into it and investing in it, since
like 2012. That’s when we started our record label, All For
JP: Tell me a little bit about what you’ve got going on. One Entertainment.