Page 94 - ION Indie Magazine JanFeb 2018
P. 94

JP: What is the scene like there in the ATL? Do you have   JP: Tell me about some the things you will have hopping
        a lot of clubs you can play?                           with the music. You said your son is on the album?

        JK: Yeah, when we started in 2012, we performed over a   JK: Yeah, he’s eleven. When we took him up to the studio in
        hundred times that year. It was nice. I was doing three   Atlanta he didn’t look like a first timer. Let me tell you that.
        shows  a  night  --  Friday,  Saturday,  Sunday  night.  We   I’m not trying to brag because he’s my son, but that’s the
        performed all weekend. It’s slowed up some since. This   feedback I got from the guys at the studio. They said I was
        year we have been focused on recording this project and   too hard on him, but if this is what he wants to do and I’m
        making  it  as  professional  as  possible.  Making  sure  we   putting my money into it, you gotta take it as serious as I do.
        legally purchased every beat, to mixing and mastering --   At some point we want to have our own All For One Studio.
        which is why it’s taking so long to get out. Everything is   This has been the plan. We’ve just not been able to do it as
        so expensive and it’s coming straight out of pocket.   soon as we would’ve wanted to.

        JP: Tell me about some of the things that are important   JP:  Where  do  you  see  yourself  in  three  years  with  the
        to you outside of music.                               music?

        JK: Outside of music, it’s always family. We are into giving   JK: Hopefully, in three years, I can be doing the A&R. I really
        back to the community. We do something called “Still   want to scout talent. There is a lot of talent in my area alone.
        Doing Good in the Hood,” everything from Thanksgiving   After  I  get  myself  established,  hopefully  I  can  help  some
        to  Christmas.  This  year  we  are  focusing  on  Christmas   other guys get established.
        trying to make sure some less fortunate families are able
        to  have  a  Christmas.  Last  year,  we  sent  water  to  the   JP:  Where  can  we  buy  your  music?  Is  there  anything
        hurricane relief in South Carolina. We’ve sent water to   available now?
        Michigan. Anything with our community we try to stay
        actively involved in.                                  JK:  I’ve  decided  not  to  put  anything  out  before  the
                                                               completion of “Now or Never” project.  When it drops, it will
        JP:  I’m  intrigued.  I  try  to  do  as  much  for  charity  as   be available on Amazon, Spotify, iTunes. We are going to
        possible. What are you doing for Christmas?            have  it  everywhere.  We  have  a  designer  working  on  a
                                                               website that’s top of the year, next year.
        JK:  My  wife  actually  had  the  idea  to  go  to  a  battered
        women’s shelter. It’s gonna be kinda hard. I just think it   JP: Does your son want to be involved in music?
        may be better to do for them since they are probably
        down on their luck, with kids -- they may not be able to   JK: Yeah, that’s his decision. I would never force anything on
        do anything for Christmas. If we can get that done for   him. I just told him he’s got my blessing if that’s what he
        two families, that would be nice.                      wants to do. He’s the most caring and unselfish person you’ll
                                                               ever meet. He’s all about helping people.
        JP: You work outside of music?
                                                               JP: What would you like to add? What is important to you?
        JK: Yeah
                                                               JK: I would like to thank you guys for this opportunity to be
        JP: What are your plans after music?                   in the magazine. Just to have the opportunity to be heard
                                                               outside of  Georgia.  I  really  appreciate  that opportunity.  I
        JK: My son is on the album. He’s gonna be working on   appreciate what you stand for as a person. I see what you
        music, actually. I’m always going to be doing community   care about. It’s gonna take a lot of love to overcome what’s
        work. Right now, I wanna use the profits from the music   going on in the real world. It feels like there is a lot of divide
        to do things for my community. I want the music to pay   and conquer going on. I want you to keep pushing and do
        out so we can expand and do more the community.        what you do.

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