Page 44 - ION Indie Magazine MarchApril 2021
P. 44

Kiki Plesha: Hello, Wally! It’s been a while since    KP:  I  have  mentioned  one  of  the  highlights  of
          Silversel  graced  the  cover  of  ION  Indie         Silversel’s  career…being  considered  for  a
          Magazine. Much has happened since that cover          Grammy  nomination.  However,  all  bands
          and feature interview, way back in April of 2015!     experience  strife  and  stumbling  blocks.  What
          With a new album coming down the pipeline, I          have  been  Silversel’s  greatest  challenges  and
          thought  it  was  a  time  to  revisit  Silversel  and   what have these taught you as an artist?
          catch  up  with  one  of my  all-time  favorite  rock
          bands -- one I proudly (and loudly) listen to in      WS: Leaping before looking…the music industry is a
          my car during my travels. Let’s begin…                beast, and if you aren’t careful, it will devour you.
                                                                Quite  honestly,  there  are  predators  around  every
          The  face  of  music  has  changed  due  to  this     corner. That’s not to say there aren’t great people in
          deadly pandemic. First of all, how has Silversel      this  business  --  there  are,  and  a  lot  of  them.
          adapted  to  the  impact  of  the  virus  and  the    However, it’s the ones who are out to pull one over
          challenges this has presented working artists?        on bands that give the business a bad name. We
                                                                found this out the hard way early on in our career. In
          Wally Silver: If the boys and I have learned anything   truth, I’m glad it happened when it did. We were still
          over  the  years,  it’s  how  to  be  flexible.  While  the   green and had no clue what we were doing. Signing
          music industry may be a beast of its own kind; it is   papers that seemed legit at the time, only to find out
          still at heart, a business. Just as you would find in   later, we were screwed. Thankfully, we only lost out
          any  other  business,  you  learn  to  roll  with  the   on a few small royalties and a video and the culprits
          punches,  and  this  pandemic  packed  a  serious     are in prison now. I know bands that were not so
          punch, as you said. We, as a band, have tried to      fortunate…got stuck in contracts, shelved by majors,
          capitalize  on  a  ‘captive’  audience,  so  to  speak,   you name it. When it comes to the music business,
          during  this  pandemic.  We  started  doing  weekly   no one has your best interest in mind more than you.
          Facebook Live videos. This allowed us to interact     If you’re going to sign, make sure it benefits you and
          with  fans  from  all  over  the  world  in  one  place.   not just the company you are signing with.
          Locally,  we  started  our  own  festival  called
          Scarecrow Fest. We realized that, without touring, a   KP:  What  was  your  personal  favorite  gig  and
          lot  of  other  indie  bands  were  suffering.  So,  we   why? And while we go down this track, describe
          contacted 5 local/regional bands and invited them to   your  least  favorite  performance  (a  gig,  tour,
          play, added in a few vendors, and we now have a       festival)  and  why  it  was  not  a  positive
          yearly  outdoor  festival.  As  with  any  new        experience.
          venue/festival, there were a few hiccups. Yet, in the
          end, everyone involved asked about next year.         WS: My favorite gig would have to be playing the
                                                                Whiskey A Go Go in LA last summer. I grew up on
          KP: I remember the excitement when your song          the dying breath of the 80’s hair metal era. So, from
          ‘All  Outta  Rocks’  was  on  the  short  list  for  a   the  moment  I  knew  who  Motley  Crue,  Guns  ‘N
          nomination for a Grammy. I think this occurred        Roses, Poison, and the like were, I knew I wanted to
          in 2014. Those are quite the bragging rights for      someday play the Whiskey. I am eternally grateful
          any  band,  let  alone  an  indie  band!  As  a  side   for the boys in Silversel for helping me check that off
          note,  ‘All  Outta  Rocks’  remains  one  of  my      my bucket list. It was an amazing show! My least
          favorite  rock  ballads  by  a  band,  indie  or      favorite  comes  with  good  and  bad  overtones.  In
          mainstream. Share with our readers how you felt       2019,  Silversel  did  a  major  city  tour  up  the  east
          when the band received this iconic news.              coast.  We  toured  from  Statesboro,  GA,  to  Long
                                                                Island,  NY,  hitting major  cities  along the  way. We
          WS: We were absolutely blown away! We couldn’t        met some amazing people and played in some epic
          believe it, and we still can’t. Initially, we thought our   venues. The problem with this tour and why it’s my
          manager at the time was joking when he told us. We    least  favorite,  is  because  everything  that  was  in
          were just this little indie band from South Georgia,   writing got ignored by the company booking it. Life
          trying to make music we enjoyed. It was then and      happens  on  tour,  venues  change,  schedules
          always will be a true honor to have been put on that   change, etc. However, when you’re expecting a tour
          list. If memory serves me, we were beat out for the   bus  for  Silversel  and  4  other  bands  and  all  their
          nomination by Neil Young and Queens of the Stone      equipment, and a church van pulls up, things start to
          Age. Which in and of itself is amazing to us. To be   go  downhill.  But,  in  typical  Silversel  fashion,  we
          on the same list as so many amazing artists. It’s still   soared  above  it  and  made  the  best  of  a  bad
          extremely surreal.                                    situation.

          KP: I have mentioned one of the highlights of
          Silversel’s  career…being  considered  for  a
          Grammy  nomination.  However,  all  bands
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