Page 11 - material_Neat
P. 11
The results of aggregate sieve analysis is expressed by a number called Fineness
Modulus. Obtained by adding the sum of the cumulative percentages by mass of a sample
aggregate retained on each of a specified series of sieves and dividing the sum by 100.
Maximum aggregate size
the smallest sieve opening through which allow to 95% of the amount of aggregate pass
Grading zones of sand grade % Passing (0.6 mm)
Coarse sand 39 - 25
Zone 54 - 39
1 Medium 74 - 62
2 Fine 222 - 82
4 Very fine
Calculations for Sieve analysis test
Sieve Mass Cumulative mass % Passing % Retained
size, retained, retained, gm
mm (W1/W)*100 100-
gm W1 (W1+W2/W)*100 (W1/W)*100
W1 W1+W2
20 W1+W2+W3
10 W2 W1+W2+…..+W4
5 W3 W1+W2+…..+W5
2.5 W4 W1+W2+…..+W6
1.25 W5 W1+W2+…..+W7
0.6 W6 W1+W2+…..+W8
0.3 W7 W1+W2+…..+W9
0.15 W8
W = W1 + W2 + W3 + W4 +W5 + W6 + W7 + W8 + W9