P. 29



             As can be seen from the M&A case of Amazon and Whole Food, Masan
             joining the retail game would provide enormous long-term benefits, it
             will  be  a  major  challenge  for  the  business  in  the  immediate  term,
             particularly in terms of profit.
             Masan's  performance  has  improved  since  the  M&A  deals.  Masan  has

             discovered a viable retail model after taking over VinCommerce for a
             year. VinCommerce made a profit of 16 billion dong in the first quarter
             of 2020, aiming for a positive EBITDA target for the entire year of 2021.

             This  retail  chain  will  also  be  renamed  WinMart  (supermarket)  and
             WinMart+            at        the        same          time         (mini-supermarket).
             MasanConsumerHoldings, on the other hand, experienced its first year
             of revenue exceeding one billion dollars.

             However,  to  prepared  for  Amazon  and  Walmart’s  entering  Vietnam
             market, Masan have to learn from the king of online grocery, which is
             Walmart.  For  Walmart,  the  success  of  this  traditional  business  when
             moving from offline to online is to focus its resources on the area that

             it understands best, which is food, instead of following the competition
             with Amazon.
             With  such  a  clear  line,  it's  not  surprising  that  Walmart  is  gradually
             gaining  success  instead  of  running  out  of  breath  and  giving  up  like

             many other retailers just because of trying to compete with Amazon.
             As  a  result,  Masan  should  not  try  to  keep  up  with  cutting-edge
             technology;  instead,  they  should  focus  on  understanding  their
             customers  and  tailoring  the  business  to  meet  everyone's  financial

             situation.  This  is  something  international  retail  businesses  would
             struggle to keep up with if they do not understand the psychology and
             wants of their customers in each location. Meanwhile, Masan has a far
             better understanding of the Vietnamese market, which allows them to

             give their clients more control and improve the shopping experience.

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