P. 27

The acquisition of the Reddit virtual mobile network is one of the steps to
          realize  Masan's  "Point  of  Life"  strategy  to  digitize  the  retail  consumption
          platform,  bringing  maximum  convenience  to  customers.  The  Redmi
          network  will  participate  in  the  market  segment  with  young,  modern

          customers through a mobile application platform, upholding the freedom
          of experience and personalization of users.

              Vinshop                                             Free lifetime

              The launch of the Vinshop grocery store chain       According    to   market   research,   the
              sets  Masan  apart  from  its  competitors  in  the  majority  of  current  sales  management
              same retail industry.                               support  software  is  not  inexpensive  for
              VinShop is a new technology application that        grocery  store  owners.  VinShop,  on  the
              was  recently  launched  to  help  grocery  store   other  hand,  offers  a  free  lifetime  sales
              owners from the North to the South with their       management  tool.  If  you're  a  grocery
              daily tasks for free. This sales management tool    store   owner   who's   connected    with
              is  not  only  the  best  "assistant"  for  grocery  VinShop, all you have to do now is update
              owners looking to increase revenue, but it also     the software, and you'll be able to use this
              helps  to  reduce  management  workload,            tool right on your phone. The application
              optimize  costs,  and  save  time.  VinShop  is     has a user-friendly interface that is simple
              regarded as a "revolution" in the modernization     to use and comprehend.
              of  grocery  stores.  Grocers  now  have  a  useful
              and convenient tool in their hands to manage
              their stores, with three outstanding and unique
              advantages in the Vietnamese retail market.

              Versatile "assistant"                               Elevate the tech grocery stores

              VinShop,  which  describes  itself  as  a  "tool    VinShop  allows  them  to  keep  their
              to  help  grocers  enrich,"  allows  grocers  to    traditional  business  model  while  also
              import goods directly from manufacturers,           improving  the  way  they  run  their  stores.
              saving  money  and  freeing  up  labor  for         The  phone  is  now  used  for  all  store
              grocers who are busy all year. Additionally,        management  operations.  Their  trading
              grocery  store  owners  can  scan  barcodes         indicators will quickly display and update
              for   accurate   product   billing,   order         every  hour,  every  day,  without  fear  of
              management, revenue management, and                 confusion,  loss,  or  unusual  risks  arising,
              debt  recording  using  the  features  in  the      thanks to a few simple steps.
              sales management tool.

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