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         Masan's  strategy  to  expedite  The  CrownX's  offline-to-online  (O2O)  transformation  can  be
         considered to include the above relationships.
         Masan  has  stated  that  starting  in  2020,  it  will  take  advantage  of  offline  channels  and
         encroach into the web segment. Masan has a significant edge in offline distribution because
         of its tight association with Masan Consumer, which owns more than 2,500 modern retail
         outlets VinMart and VinMart+ across the country, as well as more than 300,000 traditional
         selling locations.
         Masan's  products  will  reach  20,000  Lazada  customers  as  a  result  of  their  partnership.
         Necessities, on the other hand, will be the item that draws customers to Lazada. Masan sets a
         goal  that  in  the  near  future,  the  total  value  of  goods  sold  through  The  CrownX's  online
         channel will account for at least 5% of the company's total sales. This "all-in-one" platform is
         dubbed  Point  of  Life  by  Masan.  Essential  products  and  services  account  for  50%  of  the
         Vietnamese  retail  market  and  25%  of  consumer  spending.  These  products  and  services,
         however, are not yet well serviced, and there is plenty of space for expansion.
         The majority of products offered on e-commerce sites are non-essential, high-value, and low-
         frequency  items  such  as  technology,  fashion,  and  cosmetics.  Food  and  beverages  are
         necessities that customers purchase frequently, have a low value, and are used on a daily
         Food and beverages are necessities for which consumers have frequent purchasing needs, a
         high  frequency  of  usage  every  day,  and  a  low  order  value,  but  their  accessibility  through
         online channels is limited.
         Masan's well-organized approach also includes super apps. Masan integrates selling on super
         applications and e-commerce platforms when there is a robust supply chain of offline items.
         For firms who understand the value of data analytics, data sources from offline and online
         client files are also a valuable "gold mine."
         The leader of the Masan Group stated: "Masan presently processes over 1 million transactions
         each  day,  and  by  2025,  that  number  will  have  grown  by  5-10  times.  This  large  volume  of
         transactions will give us with a significant source of data that will help us better understand
         customers and serve them ".

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