P. 17

Masan has seen relatively positive results         In  addition,  before  resuming  store
             from  its  acquisition  of  the  Vinmart  and      expansion,  VinCommerce  tested  dozens
             Vinmart+ store chains.                             of mini-supermarket stores under various
             Modern  retail  is  in  the  position  of  a       models  to  find  the  right  store  formula.
             "profitable  fisherman"  in  the  context  of      The  majority  of  these  test  stores  are  in
             the  Covid-19  epidemic,  which  has  lasted       Hanoi, with the remainder in Ho Chi Minh
             more  than  a  year.  Although  many  retail       City.  These  test  stores,  according  to
             stores  were  forced  to  close  temporarily       Masan, are delivering better results than
             due  to  the  government's  epidemic               VinCommerce's  existing  stores,  with

             prevention     and    control    measures,         about  10%  higher  total  sales  per  store
             supermarkets  and  convenience  stores             and 15% higher fresh produce sales per
             remained  open  during  the  quarantine            store.
             period.  In  order  to  serve  the  people,        Masan  wants  to  integrate  a  variety  of
             these  modern  distribution  systems  are          services into VinMart stores, including the
             also  required  to  increase  storage  and         Phuc  Long  kiosk,  Techcombank  financial
             sales  capacity.  When  the  demand  for           services, and so on.
             dining and entertaining at home rises, as          VinMart  (in  the  future  WinMart)  will
             well as the increased need to stock up on          deploy  financial  services  provided  by
             essentials  during  the  quarantine  period,       Techcombank  in  at  least  50%  of  its
             Covid  can  be  said  to  have  "assisted"         stores  beginning  in  2021.  This  is  the
             Masan  in  becoming  one  of  the  market's        point  that  Masan  Group's  management
             beneficiaries.                                     makes when expanding into new services:
             Since    acquiring    VinCommerce      from        the  combination  of  necessities  and
             Vingroup at the end of 2020, Masan has             financial  services  can  help  Masan  Group
             also carefully prepared business plans for         access    50%      of   the    budget    for
             retail  and  services.  In  the  first  half  of   consumption.        Financial       services
             2021,  specific  plans  and  action  plans  to     associated  with  retail,  particularly  online

             improve  the  efficiency  of  VinMart  and         and non-cash payments, will be extremely
             VinMart+ chains were implemented.                  fertile ground for Masan as a result of the
             Masan  continued  to  close  inefficient           Covid epidemic.
             stores in the first months of the year, as
             planned in the fourth quarter of 2020, but
             it  is  expected  that  the  number  of  stores
             will still rise by 300-700 this year (after
             deducting).  Mini  marts  have  grown  in
             popularity  as  a  result  of  the  closure  of

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