P. 16

2              MASAN ANALYSIS


             Masan’s Aquisition Of VinCommerce

             Vingroup  shocked  the  market  when  it          Mr.  Nguyen  Viet  Quang,  Vice  President  and
             announced  on  December  3,  2019  that  it       General Director of Vingroup, said about this
             would  swap  shares  of  VinCommerce  and         market-shaking  deal:  "With  retail  and
             VinEco with Masan Group.                          agriculture, we've essentially completed the
             VinCommerce  General  Trading  Services           initial  mission.  Vingroup  has  created  the
             Joint Stock Company of Vingroup (retail),         market's    number      one    retail   system,
             VinEco Company (agriculture), and Masan           achieving  a  fair  balance  with  foreign
             Consumer Corporation - Masan Consumer             businesses.  VinCommerce  also  helps  many
             Holding (consumer) merged, according to           domestic manufacturers collaborate through
             the  terms  of  the  agreement,  to  form         its distribution channel. Furthermore, VinEco
             Vietnam's  leading  Consumer  Goods  -            has met its goal of inspiring clean agriculture
             Retail  Group.  Following  the  merger,           in  businesses  and  communities.  Vingroup
             Vingroup  converted  all  of  VinCommerce's       can  now  confidently  hand  over  these  two

             shares  into  new  company  shares.  The          systems to a deserving Vietnamese company
             operation  will  be  taken  over  by  Masan       with  the  necessary  core  competencies  to
             Group, with Vingroup as a shareholder.            further develop the system."
             Mr. Truong Cong Thang, Chairman of the            Vingroup  chose  Masan  to  keep  the  retail
             Board  of  Directors  of  Masan  Consumer         market  for  Vietnamese  people,  ensuring  a
             Corporation,  said  to  the  press  about  the    level    playing     field    for     domestic
             cooperation  between  Vietnam's  largest          manufacturers, according to Mr. Nguyen Viet
             retailer  and  Vietnam's  largest  consumer       Quang.  More  importantly,  the  chosen
             goods  company:  Vingroup  has  completed         company  has  the  ability  and  a  strong
             its  mission  of  creating  a  leading  clean     foundation    to    take   over    and    grow
             retail  and  agricultural  system  in  Vietnam.   VinCommerce and VinEco to new heights.
             We  will  now  receive  this  flag  in  order  to  Masan  is  the  most  suitable  choice  to
             continue our mission of serving consumers         continue  leading  the  development  of

             and  ensuring  a  level  playing  field  for      Vietnam's  consumer  goods  -  retail  industry
             Vietnamese  manufacturers  in  the  retail        to the world as the initial orientation, given
             market. At the same time, the addition of         its  position,  vision,  and  20  years  of
             VinCommerce and VinEco to Masan's core            experience in the consumer sector. Vietnam
             competencies  not  only  complements  and         will  gain  a  regional  enterprise  in  the  retail
             enhances our core competencies, but also          and  consumer  sectors,  contributing  to  the
             aids us in achieving our goal of becoming         economy's       strength      and     position,
             Vietnam's leading consumer-retail group.          particularly after the merger, which has high
                                                               resonance values.

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