P. 21



        Masan  is  gradually  realizing  the  "Point  of  Life"  strategy,  providing  an
        ecosystem  of  experiences  to  serve  the  financial,  educational,  social,
        entertainment, and healthcare needs of consumers.

            CVLife - Model applying the                          The potential future picture of
              theory "3 circles of needs                            the “Point of Life” strategy

        To realize this direction, Masan applies               The     special      feature     of    Masan's
        the  theory  of  "3  circles  of  demand"              consolidating  platform  for  consumer
        including         necessities,         financial       retail  is  not  only  the  integration  of
        products  and  social  needs.  After  a                utilities  at  existing  points  of  sale

        series of deals such as spending $ 15                  (offline)  but  also  integration  with
        million  to  buy  20%  of  the  shares  of             online  points  of  sale.  Masan  Group's
        Phuc  Long  coffee  and  tea  chain,                   management  emphasized  that  The
        announcing  its  encroachment  into                    CrownX's  strategy  will  be  offline-to-

        the telecommunications field with the                  online,  not  vice  versa.  That  is,  before
        acquisition of 70% Mobicast (network                   thinking  about  going  online,  The
        MVNO  Reddit),  Masan  continuously                    CrownX  must  become  the  number  1
        opened         multi-experience          CVLife        offline     essentials       distributor       in

        model  stores,  aiming  to  integrate                  Vietnam.
        more digital services from Mobicast. In                In the next 5 years, The CrownX aims
        June  2021,  the  first  CVLife  store  was            to  own  10,000  self-operated  stores,
        opened         in     Hanoi        integrating         20,000  franchised  stores,  revenue

        WinMart+,  Techcombank  and  Phuc                      reaching  VND  250,000  billion  in  a
        Long.  4  months  later,  the  second                  good  scenario,  serving  35-50  million
        CVLife  store  was  opened  in  Cityland               customers.  Currently,  the  platform
        Go Vap residential area. This is also the              has nearly 2,500 supermarkets/stores

        first  CVLife  store  in  Ho  Chi  Minh  City          WinMart/WinMart+,            serving       more
        and the southern region.                               than 300 million customers per year.

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