P. 15

Regarding         Vietnam,        although
             traditional grocery shopping through

             local  markets  and  independent
             stores dominate the national grocery
             industry,     modern       channels      are
             expanding  rapidly  due  to  a  shift  in
             customer behavior, pushed extra by

             the growing e-commerce during the
             COVID-19  pandemic.  Since  2014,
             grocery  retail  has  grown  by  5%  per          Since  2020,  modern  grocery  has
             year,  with  the  traditional  channel            seen a boost in online sales due to
             (markets  and  independent  stores)               the         COVID-19            pandemic.
             continuing to dominate the market,                Additionally,       key      e-commerce
             accounting for more than 90% of the               vendors  in  Vietnam,  such  as  Tiki,

             total. Although the modern channel                Shopee, Lazada, Sendo, Foody, etc.,
             accounts  for  only  about  8%  of  total         have      expanded        their    product
             grocery  commerce,  its  8.5  percent             offerings  to  include  groceries  and
             annual growth rate indicates that it is           fresh  food.  Vietnam’s  e-commerce
             growing  faster  than  the  market                sector        has       already        been
             average.                                          experiencing        significant      annual

                                                               growth  of  30%  over  the  past  two
                                                               years, and it is becoming even more
                                                               clear  that  the  rise  of  online
                                                               shopping  is  one  of  the  dominant
                                                               trends in the future.

                                                               In  conclusion,  in  the  future,  the

                                                               growth of omnichannel retailing, e-
                                                               commerce  shopping,  and  market
                                                               consolidation  are  pinpointed  as
                                                               major        trends        within        the
                                                               Vietnamese grocery market.
             Furthermore,  compared  to  other
             Southeast Asian countries, Vietnam's
             retail market has the fastest growth
             rate  in  modern  grocery  retail.  As  a

             result,  Vietnam  is  expected  to  have
             the  most  considerable  potential  for
             modern  grocery  retail  expansion  in
             the future.

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