P. 4


             The consumer retail industry landscape is rapidly changing. The way

             people  buy  and  sell  things  changes  all  the  time.  Retail  outlets  are
             progressively offering unique experiences and features to meet client
             expectations,  according  to  The  Business  Research  Company's  retail
             market study research report. Over the last few years, curbside pick-

             up, delivery services, and even online shopping services have brought
             about innovative changes. But these are not the largest shifts that this
             industry is experiencing. Newcomers are engaging in intense grocery
             wars with some of the biggest retailers in the sector. And the ultimate

             winner is anything but certain.
             It  is  impossible  not  to  mention  two  giants  -  Amazon  and  Walmart
             when it comes to the worldwide grocery retail industry. Walmart is an
             American  multinational  retail  company  operating  a  chain  of

             hypermarkets,  discount  department  stores,  and  grocery  stores,  with
             its  headquarters  located  in  Bentonville,  Arkansas.  is  a
             multinational  e-commerce  and  electronic  cloud  company  located  in

             the  United  States,  headquartered  in  Seattle,  Washington  state,
             founded  in  1994  by  Jeff  Bezos.  Walmart  dominates  brick-and-mortar
             retail, while Amazon dominates e-commerce. For many years now, the
             two companies have always studied and wary of each other because
             each company wants to continue to dominate in the field where the

             other side is already very strong. In other words, after being successful
             in  this  area,  they  have  tried  to  develop  from  scratch  in  the  opposite

             This  report  will  first  study  the  case  study:  “Grocery  war”  to  give  a
             better understanding of the merger and acquisition between Amazon
             and Whole Food in 2018 and its effect on Amazon's business strategy
             to gain competitive advantages over Walmart. In the second part, we
             will present an overview of Vietnam’s retail industry through Masan -

             Vincommerce takeover, along with analyzing data and finally coming
             up  with  recommendations  for  Vietnam  retail  market  in  general  and
             Masan in particular.

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