P. 7

On the other hand, Walmart is a dominant player known for its brick-
             and-mortar stores and is considered the largest seller of groceries in

             the USA. However, Walmart has little presence in the online market as
             it is still working to catch up with leading online market retailers like
             Amazon.  Walmart  has  a  loyal  base  of  offline  shoppers  from  where  it
             attracts enormous traffic to drive its grocery sales. For the competitive
             force model, Walmart’s suppliers have low bargaining power because

             Walmart is a giant retailer and holds power. The bargaining power of
             the buyer is also low because they already offer items at a cheap price
             and customers are unlikely to find the same product at a lower price. It

             also has a low threat from substitute products because Walmart offers
             one  the  lowest  price  giving  them  a  competitive  edge.  Been  the
             biggest  retail  brand  its  also  has  low  threat  from  new  entrants.
             However,  the  competitive  rivalry  among  the  existing  player  is
             moderate because it has quite of bit of competitors like Target, Best

             Buy, Amazon and Costco but don’t pose a major threat because it has
             competitive edge in term of price strategy.

             As  the  Porter  model  focuses  on  identifying  only  competitive  forces
             and generic strategies, let’s move to a value chain model that focuses
             on  specific  activities  on  which  competitive  strategies  can  be  applied
             and  have  a  maximum  strategic  impact  from  the  use  of  information

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