Page 11 - (Eng) Relief Patung Pahlawan_Neat
P. 11


                                                                                                                                   HUSNI                                                                                     UNIQUE

                                                                                                          THAMRIN                                                                                                                                 FACT


                                                                             Mohammad Husni Thamrin was born on                                                                         Mohammad Husni Thamrin was a Betawi

                February  16,  1894  in  Sawah  Besar,  Batavia.  His  father,  Thamrin                                                                                                 fighter,  who  founded  Kaoem  Betawi  to

                Mohamad Thabrie, was the Wedana of Batavia in 1908, while his                                                                                                           defend indigenous rights and was active

                grandfather was a British businessman who owned a hotel in the                                                                                                          in  the  Volksraad  since  1919.  He  was

                Petojo  area.  Thamrin's  struggle  started  from  his  activity  in  the                                                                                               critical  of  colonial  policies,  initiated  the

                City Council to his important role in overcoming the political and                                                                                                      National  Faction,  and  contributed  to

                economic crisis caused by colonial policies.                                                                                                                            PPKI.  Thamrin  died  on  January  11,  1941,

                                                                                                                                                                                        remembered  as  a  figure  of  national


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