Page 12 - (Eng) Relief Patung Pahlawan_Neat
P. 12

JENDERAL                                                                                                         UNIQUE

                                                                                    SOEDIRMAN                                                                                                                                                 FACT


                                                                                Pangsar Soedirman was an Indonesian                                                                      General  Soedirman  was  appointed

                                                                                independence fighter. He was born on                                                                     as Indonesia's first Major General on

                                                                                January  24,  1916  in  Bodas  Karangjati,                                                               January  28,  1949,  despite  his  young

                                                                                Purbalingga Regency, Central Java.                                                                       age            and             deteriorating                           physical

                After  graduating  from  HIS  in  Purwokerto,  he  continued  his                                                                                                        condition  due  to  tuberculosis.  His

                education to the Tamansiswa Adult Garden and then entered the                                                                                                            appointment  as  a  Major  General

                Muhammadiyah Teacher School but did not graduate. During the                                                                                                             reflected                       recognition                          of            his

                Japanese occupation, he participated in military education in the                                                                                                        outstanding  leadership  and  bravery

                Defenders  of  the  Fatherland  (PETA)  in  Bogar  and  after                                                                                                            in  leading  the  Indonesian  army

                completion was appointed battalion commander in Kroya.                                                                                                                   during                          the                     independence


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