Page 8 - (Eng) Relief Patung Pahlawan_Neat
P. 8

R.A.                                                                      UNIQUE

                                                                                                                           KARTINI                                                                                                                FACT

                                                                              CENTRAL JAVA

                                                                                Raden Ajeng Kartini, the daughter of                                                                     R.A,              Kartini                    was               a           female

                                                                                the Regent of Jepara and a pioneer of                                                                    emancipation  figure  who  pioneered

                                                                                Indonesian  women's  emancipation,                                                                       the            establishment                             of          women's

                                                                                was born on April 21, 1879 in Jepara,                                                                    schools  initially  in  her  own  home.

                Central  Java.  Because  of  her  passion  for  reading  books  and                                                                                                      Later,  similar  schools  with  the  name

                magazines,  her  mind  became  wide  open.  Although  she  only                                                                                                          of  Sekolah  Kartini  also  sprung  up  in

                graduated from elementary school, during her pingitan period (a                                                                                                          Semarang,  Surabaya,  Yogyakarta,

                customary  tradition,  before  marriage)  her  mind  was  still  far                                                                                                     Malang,                   Madiun,                     Cirebon,                    etc.

                ahead  to  advance  Indonesian  women  through  education.                                                                                                               Kartini's  letters  were  collected  in  a

                Therefore,  Kartini  established  a  school  for  girls  in  Jepara                                                                                                      book  entitled  “Door  Duistermis  tot

                Regency.                                                                                                                                                                 Licht”  (Out  of  Darkness  Comes


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