Page 5 - (Eng) Relief Patung Pahlawan_Neat
P. 5
Pangeran Diponegoro was born on Pangeran Diponegoro often rode a
November 11, 1785, with the name white horse named Kyai Gentayu, which
Prince Ontowiryo. He was the son of was believed to possess mystical powers
Sultan Hamengkubuwono III from his and symbolize purity and courage. This
wife (not the queen consort) named R.A. Mangkorowati. During horse became a symbol of his struggle
his childhood, he lived with his great-grandmother, Queen Ageng and was thought to bring good fortune
(the widow of HB I), in Tegal Rejo. Due to the Dutch's oppressive on the battlefield, making it an integral
policies, such as imposing high taxes (known as pacumpleng tax), part of Diponegoro's legend.
and their intention to build a road that crossed Prince
Diponegoro's ancestral land, resistance emerged. This resistance
later became known as the Diponegoro War or the Java War (July
20, 1825 – March 28, 1830).