Page 4 - (Eng) Relief Patung Pahlawan_Neat
P. 4

KAPTEN                                                                                           UNIQUE

                                                                                                   PATTIMURA                                                                                                                                  FACT


                                                                                 Thomas  Matulessy,  known  as  Kapitan                                                                  In  1816,  during  Dutch  rule,  the

                                                                                 Pattimura, was born in Ambon in 1783.                                                                   Maluku                         region                      experienced

                                                                                 He  had  joined  the  British  military                                                                 oppression.                                          Consequently,

                                                                                 service as a sergeant. In 1816, when the                                                                Pattimura  immediately  devised  a

                 Dutch  controlled  the  Moluccas  and  carried  out  repression,                                                                                                        war               strategy                     targeting                      Fort

                 Pattimura  planned  a  war  strategy  with  Fort  Duurstede  in                                                                                                         Duurstede  in  Saparua.  On  May  16,

                 Saparua as a target. On May 16, 1817, the fort was captured and                                                                                                         1817,  the  fort  was  successfully

                 Resident  Van  den  Berg  was  killed.  This  event  earned  Pattimura                                                                                                  seized.  During  the  event,  Resident

                 and his troops the respect of the Dutch. However, Pattimura was                                                                                                         Van den Berg was killed. From that

                 finally  captured  in  Siri  Sori  and  sentenced  to  hang  by  a  Dutch                                                                                               moment  on,  Pattimura  and  his

                 court on December 16, 1817.                                                                                                                                             troops became a force feared by the


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