Page 29 - FearFinder 2019-webB
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                                                                                                              ADMISSION: $25-28 per person
                                                                                                              LOCATION: 3044 E. Lake Lansing Rd.,
                                                                                                 18           East Lansing, MI 48823
                                                                                                              On the corner of Hagadorn and Lake Lansing 2 miles
                                                                                                              north of Michigan State University.
                                                                                                              INFORMATION: (517) 679-0111 or

                                                                                                              7. CORN MAZE ADVENTURE PARK &
                                                                                                              PUMPKIN PATCH
                                                                                                              8 Acre Professional Corn Maze - 2019 Theme is “50 Years
                                                            17                                                / Moon Landing” Maze is divided into 2 mazes with 6
                                                                                                              checkpoints each.  Solve the Farm Scene Investigation
                                                                                                              Crime in the Maze for your 2019 prize!!  Hay Rides, 12
                                                                                                              Acre Pumpkin Patch, Petting Zoo, Fresh Cider From Blakes
                                                                                                              and Hot donuts made on site!!  Courtyard of Fun includes
                                                                                                              pedal carts, corn box, hay bale pile, rat races, duck races,
                                                                                                              bonfires and more!! Come on out and enjoy the fall fun!!
                          23                                                                                  Group Rates for groups of 20 or more.  Bring this ad in for
                                                                                                              $1 off entry.
                                                                                                              DATES: September 14th - November 3rd
                                                                                                              HOURS: Fridays 5pm - 10pm,
                                                                                                              Saturday Noon - 10pm,
                                                                                                              Sundays Noon - 8pm  Hayrides
                                                                                                              Sat. and Sun Only Noon - Dusk,
                                                                                                              We will open additional days for groups of 20 or more.
                                                                                                              ADMISSION: $10 Ages 4 and up  Hayrides an additional
                                                                                                              $2 Pumpkins range from $3 - $10 for the largest you
                                                                                                              can find!!!
                                                                                                              LOCATION: 9391 Lindsey, Casco, MI 48064
                                                                                                              Approx 40 minutes North of Detroit
                                                                                                              From the South: Take I-94 East to the 26 Mile Road Exit
                                                                                                              #248. Go East on 26 Mile Rd. 3 miles to Church Rd. Go
                                                                                                              left (north) on Church Rd. 3 miles to Lindsey Rd. Turn
                                                                                                              right and we are just around the bend.
                                                                                                              From the North: Take I-94 West to the St. Clair/Richmond
                                                                                                              Exit #257. Turn right onto Fred Moore Highway for a
                                                                                                              short way, then turn left on Palms Rd. 3 Miles to Lindsey
                                                                                                              Rd. Turn Right and we are about 3 miles down.
                                                                                                              INFORMATION: (586) 365-9401 or
                                                                                                              8. DARKSYDE ACRES HAUNTED
                                                                                                              HOUSE - PG 2
                                                                                                              SPONSORED BY: Bodybag Entertainment, Van Ness
                                                                                                              Builders, FX Attics Studios, HillBilly Bone BBQ,
                                                                                                              Bluemoon Ranch
                                                                                                              DarkSyde Acres Haunted House is one of the worlds
                                                                                                              Largest Halloween Attractions with over 70,000square
                                                                                                              feet and a 1 1/2 mile of halloween scary fun to be had. 5
                                                                                                              unique Haunted Attractions await you at DarkSyde Acres
                                                                                                              Haunted House, all for just 1 spooky price. DarkSyde
                                                                                                              guarantees you a night of fright to remember as you
                                                                                                              make your way thru the Zombie Infested Catacombs,
     3. BATES HAUNTED SAWMILL           dealer your only a mile away.      5. BLAKE’S HAUNTED BIG APPLE - PG 4  into a 3D adventure within KlowneTowne, but beware the
                                                                                                              RUSTHOLE, newly redesigned for the 2018 season. Can
     SPONSORED BY: Robert & Pamelyn Drubin    INFORMATION: (989) 860-5257 Find us on face book  Enjoy Zombie Paintball, Haunted Hayride, 3-Story Haunted  you ESCAPE the Labyrinth , michigan’s Largest Chainsaw
     Deep in the Millington Hills ... there once was a sawmill             Barn, and Spookyland at Blake’s Big Apple. Take part in   Maze, even BIGGER than ever before and finally Journey
     owned by William bates . In 1881 there was a HORRIFIC  4. BESTMAZE CORN MAZE &    the area’s best haunted Halloween Attractions!  into the Dark Abyss our very own Haunted Pirate ship
     FIRE WHERE ALL DIED ... except Mr Bates...he survived   TRAIL OF TERROR - PG 12     DATES: Friday-Sunday  with even MORE scares . Hillbilly Bone BBQ will be onsite
     then ... and still lives today due to his consumption of   SPONSORED BY: Royal Caribbean Cruises  HOURS: 7pm-12am  every night so come hungry....
     human flesh ... come out to bates haunted sawmill and   19th season for Michigan’s best maze experience with   ADMISSION: $20+  DATES: September 7, 13, 14, 20, 21, 27, 28, October 4, 5,
     go through a MAD MAN’S house of pain ... where you   underground drainage. Not muddy after a rain!   Optional   LOCATION: 71485 North Ave., Armada, MI 48005  11, 12, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 31, November 1, 2.
     won’t find any licensed horror movie monsters waving   help from towers in this elaborate maze.  SEPARATE   Macomb County - Town of Armada.   HOURS: Ticket window opens at 8pm
     around plastic props ... our atmosphere is one of a   intense haunted trail that changes scenes every year   Located Just North of 33 Mile Rd. on North Avenue,   and closes 11:30pm
     grimmy realism that sticks with you long after you have   NOW EVEN LONGER!     Just South of the town of Armada.  ADMISSION:  Only $22.00 per guest
     been home. Scaring since 2008, there is something new   DATES: Maze Sept. 13 - Nov. 2
     and different every year.          Trail of Terror Sept 27 - Nov. 2   INFORMATION: (586) 784-9710        LOCATION: 11375 Rowe Rd., Jonesville, MI 49250
     DATES: 9/27 & 28 and every Friday and Saturday                            From Jackson take U.S. Highway 127 South to U.S.
     through  11/1&11/2                 HOURS: Ticket booth: Maze: Fri 6-10, Sat. 1-10, Sun 1-8               Highway 12 West to Jonesville Concord road North to
     HOURS: 7:30pm-11:00pm              Trail of Terrors: Fri & Sat Dark till 10:30, Sun till 9:30  6. CHALLENGES EAST LANSING   Mosherville road East to DarkSyde Acres (about 25
     ADMISSION: Sawmill $15, White Out Maze $12,    ADMISSION:  Maze $7, Trail of Terrors $20, Combo $25     ADVENTURE ROOMS - PG 23   minutes) From Detroit take I-94 West to U.S. Highway
     Combo $23. Mention this add save $3 on Combo   LOCATION:  3803 Noble Rd., Williamston, MI 48895  Five different themed immersive escape rooms to choose   127 South to U.S. Highway 12 West to Jonesville Concord
     LOCATION: 7240 State Road Millington, MI 48746  Take I-96 to exit 122.  Go south few hundred feet to Noble   from including the terrifying “Room of No Return”.  Don’t   road North to Mosherville road East to DarkSyde Acres
     We are located about 1/2 hour from flint, Saginaw, bay   Rd.  Turn right on Noble and go 1 mile to parking lot.      just play the game...LIVE IT!   (about 90 minutes)
     city midland right on M-15 1/2 way between Millington   INFORMATION: (517) 521-2378 or  DATES & HOURS: Open 7 days    INFORMATION: (517) 549-5100 or
     and Vassar if you use a GPS it might take you to a tractor                                     
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