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     W. Grand Rive Ave  - turn left onto W.  Grand River Ave   and trail/film memorabilia available.  Visit website for   LOCATION: 13245 Dixie Hwy. Holly, MI 48442  and Escape rooms.
     traveling .1 mile over the actual Grand River - turn right   parking location.  On Dixie hwy in Holly between Mt Holly Ski Resort and   Sept 28th - Haunted house, non haunted maze, Hay ride
     onto Water St - traveling 1/4 of mile to The Red Mill &   DATES: Fridays & Saturdays: October 4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19,  The Renaissance Festival  and Escape Rooms.
     Pavilion                           25, 26 November 1, 2               INFORMATION:  (248) 390.4195 or    Every Friday and Saturday in Oct all events are open
     INFORMATION: (517) 743-1830        HOURS: 8:00pm - 11:30pm                  depending on weather.
                                        ADMISSION: $25 Adult, $22 Student (high-school &                      Every Sunday afternoon in Oct the Non Haunted Maze
     20. HAUNTING IN IRISH HILLS - PG 19   under with valid ID) Save up to $2 by donating canned/  26. SHAWHAVEN HAUNTED FARM - PG 15  will be open.
                                        dry food items ($1 each)
     SPONSORED BY:  Stagecoach Stop Western Resort   LOCATION: Visit MORROWROAD.COM for details.  SPONSORED BY: Fat Boys Pizza  HOURS: The Haunts are from dusk until the last person
     ALL 3 ATTRACTIONS Located at the Stagecoach Stop   Get to I-94, Take Exit 262 to Wadhams Rd.  From here   Ready for an intense haunted adventure? Fear has   drops. Escape Room hours from 6pm - Midnight.
     Western Resort in the heart of Irish Hills!!  visit website for parking site address where a free round-  engulfed the farm. All 140 acres have been lost onto a   For Non Haunted Maze same as Haunts but also open
       - Stagecoach Haunting (Walk Through)    trip shuttle will take you to the unknown...  haze of despair. Local people have tried to face their   Sunday Noon-5pm
       - Haunted Hayride                INFORMATION:  (586) 255-6036       fears on the Wagons of Fear only to be trapped with the   ADMISSION: 1 haunt $15, 2 haunts $25,
       - Train Car of Terror   (then click trail)  dead that wander the woods. A darkness has covered the  3 haunts $35, Escape Rooms $15-$20, Super Maze $7
     Check out the Souvenir & Gift Shop!                                   farm and it surrounds Samara’s Retirement Home for the  LOCATION:  5781 West Grand River, Fowlerville, MI
     Games, Prizes, Scavenger Hunt, Escape Room, Hayride,                  dead…better our house than yours! Come and try our   48836. We are off I 96 in Howell (outlet Mall exit ) head
     Snacks, Beverages.                 23. NIGHT TERRORS - MICHIGAN’S     Escape Rooms, we have four Escapes to choose from.   north on 59 turn left at Grand River ave by Wrangler’bar.
     Featured Actors provided by Spirit Halloween  PREMIER HAUNTED THRILL PARK - PG 6  Challenge yourself and friends with a test of your wits!   About 2 miles down on your left THE BIG RED BARN!
     DATES: Every Friday and Saturday, October 4 - November   SPONSORED BY: Wiard’s Orchards, Inc.   You’ll have three or five minutes to figure out how to get   INFORMATION: (517) 223-9140
     2. Also open Devil’s Night and Halloween  Michigan’s #1 Haunted Thrill Park - located in   out of the room. Do it successfully and you’ll win a Fat   or
     HOURS: Dusk - 11:00pm              Ypsilanti Township - Voted #8 Scream Park in America   Boys Pizza from Holt! Separate admission $5 per room.  Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
     ADMISSION: $10 per attraction      by Hauntworld magazine. Check us out at www.  DATES: Sept 27-28, Oct 4-5, 11-12, 18-19, 25-26,
     $25 Combo Ticket (All 3)    Here to SCARE - 6   Nov 1-2               29. TERRORFIED FOREST
     A portion of our proceeds help local charities  Attractions in one location: The Ultimate Haunted Barn,   TIMES: Ticket sales 7:30pm-11:00pm  New Owners for 2019! With almost a mile long path and
     LOCATION: 7203 U.S. Hwy 12, Onsted, MI 49265  Hayrides of the Lost, The Asylum, The Mindshaft, Alien   ADMISSION: $18 an event or Combo Ticket $30    90% of the attraction new for 2019! Take a walk through
     Located at the Stagecoach Stop Western Resort     Caged Clowns and Paintball.   Escape Rooms $5 each     the woods and experience what waits for you within. 20
     7 miles from M.I.S. (Michigan International Speedway)  DATES:  September 21, 27 & 28  LOCATION:  1826 Rolfe Rd. Mason, MI 48854  years of screams won’t be silenced.
     26 miles from Jackson, MI          October 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 31  Take US-127 to Exit 61 Barnes Rd, turn east go 1/2 mile   DATES: Sept: 27, 28 Oct: 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20,
     30 miles from Ann Arbor, MI        November 1, 2                      to Eden Rd and turn north, go 1/2 mile to Rolfe Rd and   24, 25, 26, 27, 30 Nov: 1, 2
     67 miles from Lansing, MI          HOURS: Tickets go on sale at 7:15 each night.  turn east, Shawhaven Farm will be 1/2 mile down on the   HOURS: September 27/28 8pm-11pm
     41 miles from Monroe, MI           Last ticket sold at 11:30 pm on Fridays and Saturdays.  north side.    Friday’s and Saturday’s in October 8pm-midnight
     55 miles from Toledo, OH           Last ticket sold at 10:30 on Sundays.  INFORMATION: (517) 676-1649    Thursdays and Sundays 8pm-10pm
     INFORMATION: (419) 654-5799        ADMISSION: Tickets starting at $18.99  or    November 1/2 8pm-11pm
     Check us out on Facebook for details:                                                                    October 30th 8:00pm-Midnight.  LOCATION: 5565 Merritt Rd, Ypsilanti, MI 48197;   27. SLAUGHTERED AT SUNDOWN - PG 7  ADMISSION: General Admission:$20
     Old West Escape Rooms - open year-round - Call for   Take I-94 to exit 183 (Huron/Whittaker); go south   Slaughtered at Sundown one of Michigan’s #1 Haunted   VIP Admission $30
     reservations.                      approximately 2 miles to Stoney Creek Rd, follow round   attractions dares you to face your darkest fears.  This
                                        about to the right onto Stoney Creek,  follow Stoney   haunted attraction will bring your worst fears to life   LOCATION: 145 Swarthout Rd., Pinckney, MI 48169
     21. JACKSON’S UNDERWORLD - PG 9    Creek to Merritt Rd, turn right on Merritt, follow Merritt   in our bone chilling full contact haunted house and   Off of I-96 go South on D-19 for 7 miles. Turn left onto
                                                                                                              Swarthout about 100 feet on your left turn into our
     4 story haunted attraction with 10 years of terror under   1/4 mile to Night Terrors on the right.  haunted hayride.  Join us opening weekend September   parking lot up on the hill.
     it’s belt, this haunt was voted number #1 in Michigan   INFORMATION: (734) 390-9206   27 & 28 and all weekends thru October. If you survive   INFORMATION: (248) 537-5788 or
     3 years in a row and proves to be one of the biggest in   or  be sure to visit our concession and souvenir stand
     the state!                                                            and relax by our bonfire. For more information on   30. A TERROR IN TOWNSEND FOREST -
     DATES: Starting September Fri 13th; Fri-Sat  24. PURGATORY HAUNTED HOUSE   groups and private parties check out our website   PG 19
     Starting October 1st; Thurs-Sun    PRESENTED BY WYANDOTTE JAYCEES - or call 586-752-7669
     October 27 - November 2; Everyday  PG 13                              Free cider and doughnuts and VIP tickets available.    SPONSORED BY: Oakland County Sportsmen’s Club
     HOURS: Fri and Sat; 7pm-1am        SPONSORED BY: Wyandotte Cable, Jacobsen Industries   NIGHTMARES DO COME TRUE!!!!  A 1/4 mile of Terror filled forest trails (guided)
     Thurs and Sun; 7pm-11pm            Born into sin, baptized by kindred, bound in purgatory;   DATES: Opening weekend September: 27, 28 and   DATES: Fridays & Saturdays in October
     ADMISSION: $25 for Underworld,     the family has fallen.                                                HOURS: 7:30pm to 10:30pm (weather permiting)
     $20 for Psycho Vision, $40 for both  DATES: Sept. 27 - Nov. 2         weekends thru October: 4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27  ADMISSION: Adults $15, Children 12 & under $10
     LOCATION: 1318 Wildwood Ave., Jackson, MI 49201   HOURS: 7pm - Midnight Fridays & Saturdays,   HOURS: Tickets sold from 7pm-11pm  LOCATION: 4770 Waterford Rd., Clarkston, MI 48346
     If your taking 1-94 East or West; take exit 138 and head   7pm-10pm Sundays  ADMISSION:  Adults $15.00 each event or $25.00 for   Dixie Hwy and Andersonville Rd. nearest intersection
     south on West Ave till Wildwood Ave, turn right and look   ADMISSION: $15 Fridays & Saturdays, $10 Sundays  both events: Haunted House and Hayride.  Kids (10 and   INFORMATION: (248) 623-0444 / (248) 672-3022
     for a large strobing building.     LOCATION: 3131 Biddle Avenue, Wyandotte, MI 48192   under) $10.00 each event or $16.00 for both events:   or
     From 127 N,  remain on I-127 business rout until you   Located at old city hall in downtown Wyandotte between   Haunted House and Hayride.
     reach Wildwood, turn right onto Wildwood. Look for the   Oak and Eureka.  LOCATION: 71800 Romeo Plank Rd., Armada, MI 48005  31. XTREME ESCAPE ROOMS - PG 25
     large, strobing building.          INFORMATION: (313) 319-1504 or https://www.  Located on Romeo Plank Rd and 33 1/2 mile Rd. About   SPONSORED BY: Xtreme Escape Rooms Xtreme
     INFORMATION: (517) 936-5834 or  15 minutes north of M-53 and M-59. Please use GPS    Escape Rooms has designed environments to challenge
                                                                           or Google maps for best route or visit our website/  the most critical areas of group dynamics.XER is live
     22. MORROW ROAD HAUNTED TRAIL - PG 21  25. ROTTEN MANOR - PG 13       Facebook page.                     action, team-based experience where you and your
     She’s Still Searching... FOR YOU!  Back by popular   Rotten manor a dilapidated mansion of tortured souls,   INFORMATION: (586) 752-7669  friends are placed in movie-like themed environments, to
     demand, the award-winning truly unique and unsettling   and Rotten Asylum & Forest full of demented patients   or or Slaughtered at   search for clues, solve puzzles and complete challenges
     Morrow Road Haunted Trail returns!  5,280+ killer feet;   and misfits waiting for you. Both highly-detailed, and   Sundown on Facebook.    with the common goal of escaping before the countdown
     this hour-long+ event is based on the actual Morrow                                                      clock reaches zero.
     Road Michigan legend--resulting in one dark, terrifying   immersive experience in fear. Two full 45 minute   28. SLAUGHTER HOUSE    DATES: 7 days a week
     mile.  This startling event is again hosted by filmmaker   attractions, And all new for season 4, our Midway,   ADVENTURE - PG 8  HOURS: Mon-Fri 5pm to 9pm
     Francis J Sampier of the upcoming horror film “Morrow   boasting old school carnival games and rides. New rooms   It is our 16th season! As always we changed up the   Sat & Sun 12pm-11pm
     Road.”  (Here’s your chance to meet him! Proceeds help   added for 2019!  haunted house and manage to add a couple more   ADMISSION: Varies see website
     to launch the movie)!  Dare you risk this heart-racing,   DATES: Fridays and Saturdays in Sept. and Thursday   scares. We are proud to announce a 2nd Escape Room   LOCATION: 14620 23 Mile Road, Shelby Township,
     sinister atmospheric self-guided trek--where the few   thru Sunday in Oct.  as well as Nov. 1 and 2nd   on premises The Hillcrest Asylum.  We are working   MI 48315. Located on the South side of 23 Mile road,
     survivors have nightmares for weeks.  Witness actual   HOURS: 7pm to last victim is thru. Ticket sales end at   hard on updating the Hayride and haunted field. For you
     theory recreations of a ghostly mother who mysteriously   11pm Thurs and Sun midnight Fri and Sat   non-haunters there is a 26 acre maze, food and bonfire.   between Schoehnerr and Hayes.
     died searching for her lost child and decide for yourself   ADMISSION: $26 per person per attraction,    Pure Michigan!  INFORMATION: (586) 961-2604
     what caused the haunting disturbances.  Hot food, drink                                                  or
                                        $40 combo ticket                   DATES: Sept 27th - Haunted House, non haunted maze
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