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9. DECADES OF THE DEAD ADMISSION: $28 in every inch of their 50,000 sqft attraction. The Dark rainy nights stop you. So come join us in are dark home
PRESENTED BY: Dare Me Productions, LLC LOCATION: 34 Oakland Ave, Pontiac, MI 48342 Manor, Vox Sanitarium, Condemned, Beasts, And Sinister for thrills and chills of a lifetime you’ll never forget. We
In 1901, construction began on the Paisley Hotel in the From the North: I-75 South to M-59 West (Exit 77). Circus are the 5 themed attractions you will venture into will be waiting for you. Come to my door and I’ll let you
newly settled logging town of Yale. This grand dame has Take M-59 West into Pontiac and make a right on if you dare. One ticket buys you all 5 at www.The-Haunt. in for the fright of your life.
proudly served the needs of the weary traveler for the Saginaw Street. When Saginaw St forks, we are the com. Enter code fearthehaunt and get a buy one get one DATES: Sept 27-28. Oct 4-5, 11-12, 18-19, 25-26-27, 31.
last 118 years, albeit not without incident. Through the building in the middle of the fork. free discount. The Haunt opens Sept 13th and will be Nov 1-2.
years, more than a few guests have claimed to be visited From the South: I-75 North to M-59 West (Exit 77). open through Nov 1 & 2 with the last two nights being a VISITATION: Visitation Fri & Sat 7pm-12am Sun 27th
by apparitions no longer of this world, and of course Take M-59 West into Pontiac and make a right on special light out event. 7pm - 10pm. Thursday 31st
there is always the unexplained, random deaths every Saginaw Street. When Saginaw St forks, we are the DATES: See Halloween 8pm-12am or Later ??
couple of years to consider. During recent renovations, building in the middle of the fork. Friday’s & Saturday’s in Sept, Thursday - Sunday in Oct ADMISSION: $15 per body, $2 OFF coupon
documents were discovered that revealed a secret long From the East: Take M-59 West into Pontiac and make HOURS: See Most days 7 to (Up To 4 Bodies)
kept… the excavation of the site had unearthed a a right on Saginaw Street. When Saginaw St forks, we midnight LOCATION: 3880 Inkster Rd, Inkster, MI 48141
number of graves. Concerned it would slow the project, are the building in the middle of the fork. ADMISSION: $30 for general admission at the door, On Inkster Rd between, Michigan Ave. & Van Born Rd.
the decision was made to leave the bodies buried… and From the West: Take M-59 East into Pontiac and make $45 For Fast Pass at the door. Save $5 online On the West side of street. South of Michigan Ave., West
tell no one. It is time for the truth to be revealed. This is a left on Saginaw Street. When Saginaw St forks, we are LOCATION: 1256 28th Street, Wyoming, MI 49509 corner of Inkster Rd. & Andover. Covered waiting area.
your chance to witness for yourself, the horrors that lie the building in the middle of the fork. Exit to the west off US-131. 1 mile to Wyoming Village INFORMATION: (734) 833-7880
beneath - the Decades of the Dead. INFORMATION: (248) 791-7160 Mall, The Haunt is located to the back of the mall. Google The Haunted Funeral Home In Inkster.
DATES: September: 20, 21, 27, 28, or INFORMATION: (616) 835-5878 or Visit us on Facebook
October: 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26,
27, 29, 30, 31. 12. EREBUS - PG 16-17 15. HAUNTED FARM OF TERROR - PG 32 18. HAUNTED GARAGE
Family fun days: September 28 & October 26 Erebus is the result of Dr. Colber government contractor Over 20 acres! Haunted House, Haunted Hayride. No PRODUCTIONS - PG 19
HOURS: Fridays and Saturdays: 7pm to 1am assigned to building a time machine. After losing his
Sunday - Thursdays: 6pm to 10pm government contract, he secretly worked on the machine guarantee of returning alive! Voted #1 Most Intense SPONSORED BY: Flagstar Bank Cadieux and Kercheval,
Hayride In Michigan. Enjoy snacks, Taco in-a-bag, pizza,
Family fun days: 1 pm to 4 pm behind closed doors. He eventually succeeded in sending hotdogs, hot cider, donuts and more at the Roadkill Café. Grosse Pointe News, Grosse Pointe Magazine
ADMISSION: $13 (with social media tag) people back in time, but with one glitch... the time Voted Top Haunted Attraction WDIV Vote 4 The Best
$14 general admission. period where they arrived looked at them like a virus DATES: September: 27 & 28 2017 and 2019. Zioptis Foundation 2018 Awards: Best
October: 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27
Family fun day: $8 (with social media tag) and wiped them out. Determined to overcome, he sent Animation in a Haunted Attraction. Best Value Haunted
$9 general admission group after group of his own personnel into the machine! November: 1, 2 Attraction. Best First Time Visit to a Haunted Attraction.
$25 family deal (limit of 5). Unsuccessful, he ended up broke and lacking the proper HOURS: Sept: 7:30pm - 1am Located in Grosse Pointe Farms. 12th year of operation.
Oct Sun: 6:30pm - 11pm,
LOCATION: Below the Yale Hotel, Bar, and Restaurant. employees to operate his machine. Dr. Colber then came Oct Fri and Sat: 6:30pm - 1am This is a family friendly charity Haunted Attraction.
119 S. Main Street Yale, MI 48097 up with a brilliant idea, disguise his time machine as a This is an outdoor event - Check Website. Please dress Nervous customer? Please ask for a no scare blinky light.
INFORMATION: haunted house! Now he has an endless supply of human appropriately. Due to weather conditions, the Haunted Our specially trained actors will accommodate you. Want
decadesofthedead119 guinea pigs and better yet... they fund the program. Farm of Terror may be closed. Please call our hotline to to be scared? Our actors will entertain and thrill you. We
DATES: Sept. 13-14, 20-21, 27-28 see if we’re open. are a highly visual, non-stop animation Haunted Attraction
10. EDSON INCIDENT - PG 3 Oct. 3-6, 10-13, 16-20, 22-31 Nov. 1 & 2 ADMISSION: $17 Per Attraction which benefits our local schools. No blood or gore. We
The Edson Incident is a premier haunted attraction aboard HOURS: Weekdays 7:30pm-10:30pm Hayride & Haunted House combo: $25 Adults, are producing the most talked about Halloween event in
the mighty USS Edson in Bay City, Michigan. Those brave Fri / Sat 6pm-1am $15 Kids (10 & under) the Detroit area. Enjoy a scare [or no scare] and support
enough to enter will twist and climb their way through 5 Sundays 6pm-11pm Tickets available online at a charity.
hellish decks of the Vietnam era U.S. Navy Destroyer! Each ADMISSION: Tickets As low as $20. See the ad or go to LOCATION: 28405 26 Mile Road, Lenox Twp. Macomb DATES: October 11-13, 18-20, 25-27
turn and stairway will lead those able to survive into the for more ticket prices. County. (Alongi’s Greenhouses) HOURS: 6-9pm Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays
bowels of hell! Will you survive the Edson Incident? LOCATION: 18 South Perry St. Pontiac, MI 48342 INFORMATION: 586-203-7222 or, ADMISSION: $13. VIP available for $20 Ages 16 and
DATES: Sep. 13th, 20th, 21st, 27th, and 28th. Oct.4th, Downtown Pontiac. At the corner of Water Street and Check website for weekly specials and events, military under must be accompanied by a paying adult.
5th, 11th, 12th, 18th, 19th, 25th, 26th, and 27th. Nov. 1st, South Perry St. Across from the Phoenix Center. discounts with valid ID. Questionable weather, please call LOCATION: 19520 Mack Avenue Grosse Pointe Farms,
and 2nd. INFORMATION: (248) 332-7884 ahead. MI. 48236. Located on Mack Avenue between larger
HOURS: Fridays 8:00pm to Midnight. Saturdays 7:00pm or streets Moross and Vernier. Smaller streets Colonial Court
to Midnight. Last Sunday of October 7:00pm to 10:00pm Text “Erebus” to 69922 to join the Erebus Terror Team 16. THE HAUNTED FOREST - PG 3 and Lexington. I-94 to Moross, Moross to Mack past St.
ADMISSION: $15.00 general admision. or go to our website and fill out the registration form to SPONSORED BY: TreeRunner Adventure Park Johns Hospital. Take left on Mack. Go half mile on Mack.
LOCATION: 1680 Martin St., Bay City, MI 48706 receive updates and special offers. A family friendly forest walk that features theater actors, Located on right hand side. Please park on Mack. Parking
South of Bay City, take 75 north to exit 162 (Wilder Rd.). entertaining performances and an enchanting experience. available on both sides of Mack.
Head East 4.2 miles. Wilder Rd. will turn into Harry S 13. ESCAPE ROOM NOVI - PG 24 Without the blood, guts or gore, The Haunted Forest is INFORMATION: (313) 407-7979 or
Truman PKWY. at the corner of HST and Marquette turn The largest Escape Room in Michigan features 10 exciting a sure hit for families with younger children. Situated find us on Facebook,
left and follow the signs. rooms including the 5 star rated Cabin in the Woods, in a Zip Line park, guests can choose to upgrade their follow us on Twitter.
INFORMATION: (989) 402-5071 Asylum and our brand new room, Uncle Tick-Tocks Haunted Forest experience with Aerial Climbing and Zip
or Circus. Race against your friend or foe in our Dueling Lining. Children age 1 and under are free. This is a great 19. HAUNTED MILL - PG 19
Coffins. Only at Escape Room Novi time for all families!
11. EREBUS ESCAPE - PG 22 HOURS: Sun -Thurs 3pm -10pm DATES: Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays SPONSORED BY: Friends Of The Red Mill
SPONSORED BY: Erebus Entertainment Fri - 3pm - 1am HOURS: 6:30-10:30pm beginning October 11pm This 100yr old Co-Op Mill is haunted and full of thrills,
The adventure, you have been searching for is finally Sat - 12pm - 1am ADMISSION: $14 scares and everything that frightens you about the dark,
here! Gather your friends, family, and colleagues and ADMISSION: $25 per person LOCATION: 7553 Meadow Brook Road, Rochester, MI the dead and ghostly beings. Enter at your own risk...who
join us in the newest interactive entertainment game in or $20 with a group of 8 or more 48309. Located on the campus of Oakland University, knows what 100yr old farming spirts reside within!
North America. Erebus Escape provides realistic scenarios LOCATION: 44325 W. 12 Mile Rd. Suite H-175, Novi, MI Available for a donation Hot Apple Cider, Hot Chocolate
backed with a Hollywood styled plot and special effects. 48377. Located in Fountain walk next to Powerhouse Gym The Haunted Forest is hosted at TreeRunner Oakland and donuts. All proceeds to benefit Friends Of The Red
Solve a murder, break out of prison, or save the human and across from Airtime trampoline Adventure Park. The venue is situated on the Southwest Mill (non-profit) Red Mill Pavilion project.
race... the only limit to your memories will be your INFORMATION: (248) 308-2500 corner of Walton and Adams Roads. Enter from Adams Come get your Spook on!
imagination. Welcome to Erebus Escape ~ Synthetic for most immediate access. Parking is adjacent to the DATES: Four Nights Only!!
Experiences Perfected! venue. October 19th, 20th, 26th & 27th
DATES: Every Wednesday thru Sunday. 14. THE HAUNT - PG 5 INFORMATION: (248) 759-5222 HOURS: Saturday’s: 6pm - 9pm*
Call for Corporate Team building Days One Of Michigan’s Top Haunted Attractions. The Haunt is or Sunday’s: 6pm - 8pm*
HOURS: Wednesday 5–9pm back and better then ever for 2019. This year Tinkles has *or until the last Goblin is spooked
Thursday 5–9pm taken over the Haunt and you will get a glimpse into his 17. THE HAUNTED FUNERAL HOME - PG 3
Friday 4–11pm life as you venture into the 5 Haunted themes. 165 rooms SPONSORED BY: The Dead ADMISSION: $5 per person
Saturday 12–11pm await you with over 110 actors and 60 animatronics. Haunted Funeral Home. Screams so loud you’ll wake the LOCATION: 450 N Water St., Portland, MI 48875
Sunday 12–10pm Voted a top 3 must see haunt in Michigan, and top 10 dead. Actual funeral home. Closed due to mysterious Conveniently located 20 mins from Lansing and 30 mins
Monday Closed in the country, the Haunt will scare and surprise you reasons. Come join us for a night of fright! $2 off coupon from Grand Rapids. Take I-96 to Exit 76 (Kent St) travel
Tuesday Closed Call for Corporate Team building hours up to 4 bodies. (Covered waiting area) so don’t let the north to downtown Portland 1/2 mile to traffic light at