P. 4

The NBCSL Tops the week
          off with a Grand Ball and
         awards ceremony celebrat-
          ing their colleagues from
          across the country with a
           long overdue night of
           being able to wear dia-
         monds, pearls and sparkles
           as a reward from their
         colleagues makes the night
           well worth the struggle     Senior Advisor to President
            of fighting each day.     Biden Cedric Richman makes
                                       it clear that the White House
                                       is here for State Legislators.

         Championships on every
         level stimulates the mind
         to be better and it was no
         different for the Champi-
         onship of Believers Travel
               AAU League.

             SHOTS THAT MAKE THE DIFFERENCE - FOR PHOTO ORDERS CALL 313-442-6111                                  4
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