P. 7
NBCSL members enjoy the president’s open
reception at the Tyler Perry Studios after
having an unplanned tour of the grounds.
Thanks to Representative Billy Mitchell.
Men and Women with the badge
WHO IS REALLY with a knee on the neck. told buy retired Detroit ity many times becom- eryone in the vehicle could
PUTTING OUR COM- Detroit where Cole- police Sergeant Wood- ing illegal treatment to be arrested and charged,
MUNITIES AT DANGER man Young prided him- row Ken myree he would the citizens they prom- even if your fingerprints
The citizens in fear, self on fighting police cor- put a false charge on me ised to protect and serve. or DNA are nowhere to
families held hostage, ruption And police abuse. because he knew how Because of the be found on that weapon.
by the authorities wear- Trust me the case to do it because he had learned behavior that Remember many states
ing a badge husbands or in question is not the done it for many years pain that suffering Which have made this illegal but it
wife’s, because the of- only case out there. as a Detroit police officer. many times lead them to does not stop the practice
ficer’s are full of issues The public image For Our black com- not know how to cut it of Deceit officers filing the
from deceitful lying and of a good police cannot munity to continue to off, so Sons, Daughters, report as if each individual
betrayal spirits that they just be the chief of police point fingers at the white husbands and wives be- had the gun which makes it
are taught on the job. for public appearance. officers may be just a come the victims of this a false arrest led by deceit-
It becomes a spirit The whole depart- portion of the problem. trained Behavior and the ful officer or Department.
of evil they can’t control ment must be seen as a there is a need to be abuse that comes with it. Let’s be mindful that
What other hid- public View and not just a mindful sometime it’s Before you go there as we read this story that
den secrets is causing news conference when we the blue uniform the de- if it’s not you don’t take mean each one of the of-
serious damage on the see the acceptable officer ceitful lying, ego control the defense, yes they’re ficers making a report has
communities and fam- or supervisor at the time. freaks that must be held some honest respectable been taught to break the law.
ilies of Police officers. What is done in accountable no matter officers in every Depart- A officer who filed
How many wives the dark will soon come what color. Officers that ment. but how honest a report in total disregard
how many husbands are to light, many officers are taught not just the and respectful are you if to the truth in order to get
suffering with Police are alcoholics, drug us- white officers that hold you allowed this to con- an arrest, not only falsi-
spouse’s because of the ers and spouse abus- white racism hate. Some- tinue and say nothing fied a statement, but has
lies and the deceit they ers all because of the time it’s just a blue uni- According to a for- totally disregarded the
must keep and destroy stress and the deceitful form that are taught to mer Detroit Police De- Constitution of the Unit-
their moral character. lies of handling the job. belittle and demean in or- partment detective, it used ed States in which they
Minneapolis Police Even in my own ex- der to keep the authority. to be regular practice if say they would uphold.
Chauvin is not the only one perience I recently was With that Author- stopped by police that ev- Continues on page 18