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                 As we move around the country let us be mindful of the great
          candidates we have to choose from, in South Carolina meet Mia for South
            Carolina she is worthy to be Governor of South Carolina. Help us make
           history by supporting her wherever you are. You can send her support or
                       take a vacation and go volunteer for her campaign.
                      Please support by visiting: or mail at:
                      Mia for SC P.O. Box 290692, Columbia, SC 29229

             I’m  running  because  I   me and many other parents across   life, so having to do more and
        want  to  create  a  South  Caroli-  South Carolina and one of many   work harder has always been my
        na where everybody thrives so   reasons we’re losing our best and   reality and the fuel I’ve needed
        that my sons and other young   brightest to better paying jobs,   to defy the odds and overcome
        people  will  want  to live  here.  greater opportunities and a bet-  the obstacles. More importantly,
             All of us should be able to   ter quality of life in other states.  because of my lived experiences,
        thrive in S.C., regardless of our   I’m a small business owner   I have the courage to lead, the
        race, gender, socio-economic sta-  who believes we can be pro-busi-  guts to govern and the tenacity
        tus or political affiliation.  A thriv-  ness and pro-working people. The   to never give up, even when the
        ing South Carolina is a state where   two aren’t mutually exclusive.   challenges seem insurmountable.
        people are healthy, safe, well-ed-  I’m a Sickle Cell  Warrior   As I travel across our state
        ucated, gainfully employed and   who knows what it’s like to live   listening and talking to voters,
        fairly compensated to allow them   with a pre-existing condition.   it’s obvious  that  the  people  of
        to comfortably afford rent, food,   That’s why I’m fighting  to ex-  South Carolina are hungry for
        healthcare  and other basic living   pand Medicaid, fully and equi-  change. They’re tired of running
        expenses. That’s not our current   tably fund public education, pay   the same types of candidates
        reality.  I’m running because   working people at least $15/hour,   and losing.  They want a Gov-  Meet
        we have the power to change it.   create good-paying jobs and de-  ernor  who’s not afraid to stand
             And  while  my  guberna-  mand economic opportunities   up for them---who understands
        torial run is historic, I’m not   and justice for all by tackling the   that continuing to do the same   Mia
        running to make history.  I’m   systemic reforms that must be   things and expect different re-
        running to make a difference.  I   acknowledged and addressed if   sults is insane. They’re ready for
        also understand how much rep-  we’re serious about equity and   a  governor who represents the
        resentation matters. My story   inclusion to help move our state   needs and interests of all South   Mia McLeod is a seventh generation South Carolinian
        will connect and resonate with   in a better, stronger direction.  Carolinians and not only knows   and small business owner from Bennettsville. She
        our voters  because it is the sto-  I know how it feels to be   how to win in a diverse dis-  leads with courage in the state legislature and works
        ry of everyday South Carolin-  forgotten by those in power be-  trict, but can hold on to the seat.   together with Democrats and Republicans to make real
        ians. Like so many, I’ve had to   cause I was born and raised in   As a candidate with execu-  progress for all South Carolina families. With 18 years
        overcome much adversity in my   a part of the state that has been   tive and legislative branch experi-  of experience as an entrepreneur and CEO of her own
        life…personally, professionally   dubbed by some as the forgotten   ence on both sides of the aisle, I’m   company, Mia has also been a college educator and the
        and politically. My lived expe-  “corridor of shame.”  My home-  uniquely qualified and know how   state’s top victim advocate. She knows what it’ll take to
        rience is that of a woman who   town community and other rural   to win, which is why we’ve won   create a more equitable, inclusive South Carolina that
        grew up in rural South Caroli-  communities like it, have nothing   big in swing districts, even when   all of us can be part of and proud of.
        na, raised by parents who never   to be ashamed of.  And I’ll never   the SCGOP spent lots of mon-
        let us forget the plight of  South   forget about them or lose sight   ey to ensure that didn’t happen.
        Carolina’s working poor who   of  the  struggles  and  disparities   I’m a truly different candidate   Mia is a Liberty Fellow, SC Education Policy Fellow,
        work 2-3 jobs and still struggle   they continue to face because of   who  has  consistently  garnered   Aspen Rodel Fellow and a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha
        to keep roofs over their families’   their zip codes. I’m running for   support from Democrats and Re-  Sorority. She currently resides in Northeast Columbia.
        heads and food on their tables.   Governor because  I’m confident   publicans alike and I’m in this   Her pride and joy are her sons, BJ and Cam.
             I’m a single, working mom   that we can create a state all of   race to win it---the primary and
        of two amazing young men…     us can be part of and proud of.   the general. South Carolinians
        both recent college graduates who   It’s no secret that racism is   are ready to thrive in education,
        don’t want to stay or live here as   alive and well in South Carolina.   healthcare, economic opportuni-
        adults because neither envisions   As a result, my opponents enjoy   ties, infrastructure, the environ-
        a future here under our current   privileges that I don’t have. That   ment and so much more!  And
        governor…a sobering reality for   has been the case throughout my   when that happens, we all WIN!

         Mia with Secretary of
          HUD Marcia fudge

           Mia with Senator    Mia with Mayor of New
             Corey Booker      Bill de Blasio and wife.
           State Representative President Billy Mitchell enjoys opening night with entertainment headliners Anthony Hamilton and Tamar Braxton hosting
            NBCSL members with a full buffet, open bar and first class entertainment showing the country Atlanta knows how to give an opening night of
                              entertainment and fun as well were welcome by Mayor Keisha Bottoms and  Mayor Elect Andre Dickens.

             SHOTS THAT MAKE THE DIFFERENCE - FOR PHOTO ORDERS CALL 313-442-6111                                  6
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