P. 10


                                                  WHY? WHY? WHY?

                he word Pastor,  we expect him to for us  the why questions con-                the freedom that GOD  of God (Jeremiah 11 chap-
                Principal     over-   we must remain faith-        cerning the deaths of the  has given us, to have him  ter)  Now you take that
        Tseer all means the  ful.  For we know not the  Your family, your chil-                 or not and how we have  chance I’m not willing to.
         Chief,  the  head,  the  first  hour or the day of our  dren, your  Friends,  your  him. Not long ago some-              When you begin to see
         or highest in rank. For US  own death.   Therefore,  colleague or neighbor  one I really loved said to  tragedy all around and it’s
         who Believe in the order  that’s why we should be  will be answered.    Per-           me they did not have the  affecting you and you call
         of obedient.   So  When  asking today, the “why”  haps  not  in  our  lifetimes  need to go to the church  yourself calling on GOD
         we make GOD our prin-        concerning our salvation.  but we will understand it  to hear to hear the Word.  but you rejected his orders

         cipal we gain the peace  The question is if you  better in the by and by.                   Well let me tell you  don’t get mad at GOD get
         that will pass all under-    are not saved then why?          The fear is that  in GOD’S  Word it says  mad at the god’s that you
         standing.  Today, we need        Because     as   these   many think they could  forsake not the assem-              serve the evil  World con-
         GOD’S peace, today we        mournful    times    have    have GOD without hav-        bly and if you neglect to  cept that you’ve accepted
         crave GOD’S understand-      proven, death is assured  ing the Word of GOD.   I  hear the word from the  but not having the power
         ing and today we want  but salvation is not un-           would rather have him  man of GOD he will re-              to give you peace.  if you
         GOD to answer the why  less you have answered  and not need him then  ject your prayers and  followed his guidelines
         that is on our lips, in our  the why question by giv-     come a time when I need  your cry YES! GOD said  you would be at peace that
         minds, and on our hearts.  ing your life to the LORD  him and not have him.            it he would not hear your  would substain you and not

             However,  GOD  is  GOD.  Because when                     So many have tak-        prayer  or  your  cry.      If  a temporary peace that the
         not answering! the way  you say yes to GOD,  en totally advantage of  you did not hear the man  false God has given you.

          Wayne County Chairman Commissioner Alicia Bell partners with CNS and Wayne County as they give out over 2,000 turkeys
                                   to the community not leaving anyone out of making a great Thanksgiving dinner.

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