P. 13
HAS white privilege settle racism cause white Governor’s to forget
the people who helped them win the elections BLACK VOTES!
At the end of each one of munities that threaten them. if we are being neglected stigmatization, and isolation en by the black leadership
these elections it is clear that Yes it’s been 3 years of from the party we vote for. of racially segregated edu- in the governor’s office.
the black vote has become neglected contracts and ex- It is time to look cation, their circumstanc- It’s amazing that many
the Tipping Point to winning pecting us to be excited over at a different party. es and severely narrowed of the black staff from
a Statewide or national race. a few appointments but it Like so many national life opportunities are any- the governor’s office ap-
Gov. Phillip Murphy of doesn’t match up to the ap- Democrats, Murphy fed us thing but “a technicality.” pear to not even like to be
New Jersey just survived a pointments of white along “woke” rhetoric that Pulled Although Michigan has around their own people.
near-death experience. He with the measure of the bil- Black voters into an elec- not publicly hit the high- Although a few of
possesses one last chance lions to white contractors. toral slumber, while need- lights in the disparity of Ed- them came from the Re-
to be a civil rights governor Although there are lessly arousing racial dema- ucation it is clear that the publican Administration
who can unify the multi- blacks represented in the goguery that only hastened discrimination across the those that came from the
racial working-class of his governor’s Administra- the white working-class state show the disparities of Democratic Party appeared
party. Murphy’s first term in tion they seem to be out exodus from his party. the racial divide and segre- to be out of touch with the
office disappointed and un- of touch with the necessi- Like Governor Gretch- gation of funding to schools. real need of the black com-
inspired Black voters. Like ty to make sure that black en Whitmer the white vot- Needless to say that Flint munity around the state.
Governor Gretchen Whitner contractors get service ers have become disen- and many black and mi- Although it appears
of Michigan overlooking and that are not friends, fam- chanted To vote democratic nority School District are that Governor Gretchen
neglecting the Black Voters ily and lovers but honest which should make sure you plagued with unsafe Schools Whitmer is playing catch
concerns they ignored blacks good business suppliers. don’t lose the black vote. from environment, lead- up with the black con-
and did nothing to eliminate This is my nonvio- The New Jersey Gov- filled water to asbestos to cern it may not be enough
any real structures of racial lent way of making sure ernor nearly lost because unsave community schools. to motivate black voters
disparities — like school the dream of dr. Mar- he was asleep; not woke. Democratic losses in that feel totally neglected
segregation, black con- tin Luther King lives on During his final debate with the last election were due, from her Administration.
tracts— that drive inequal- through THE SHOT NEWS Jack Ciattarelli, Governor in part, to a profound indif- Over a hundred mil-
ity and disadvantage Black, New Jersey is the sixth Murphy offered a rudicrous ference among their reliable lion dollars was spent on the
Latinx, and poor people. most racially segregated defense of his administra- Black voter base. Likewise, last election less than 20%
Black Michigan vot- school system in the U.S. tion’s three years of resis- the defection of large num- of that went to Black busi-
ers are not only feeling ne- for Black students, more tance to school integration bers of white working-class nesses to get the black vote.
glected but not motivated than any state of the former as a “technicality.” He, then, voters cost the Democrats The black vote is always
to have the need to vote confederacy except for Tex- recited vague platitudes staggeringly. Unfortunate- played cheap they paid them
for the Democratic Par- as. Still, the so-called most about “white privilege” ly, too many Democrats last and negotiate them
ty candidate that does not progressive U.S. governor while blaming “the legacy and their professional poll- cheap white companies
consider them with their worse’n segregation by fight- of slavery” for his inaction. sters mistakenly assume are paid for 6 to 7 months
concerns in Michigan at all. ing a school segregation law- “This has been building for these two constituencies more then black compa-
It’s amazing how the suit and allowing the illegal 402 years,” said Murphy, share nothing in common, nies. It seems they are called
white voters threatened her secession of majority-white “it’s not like a light switch especially something at the last minute what’s
life, and yet her staff appears schools from majority you can turn on or off.” like school segregation. wrong with this picture.
to be afraid an unfriendly Black and brown districts. For the thousands of Michigan could be The Governors must
in the black crowds as they Black voters must consider children who suffer need- on the rise to lose from now ask themself’s what kind
are relaxed in white com- the other party candidates lessly from the deprivations, the lack of respect giv- of leader they wants to be.
Jesse Jackson’s Bithday Celebration continues with a
Global Automotive Summit Luncheon in Detroit as
the Who’s Who in the automotive industry salutes
Jesse Jackson. MCd by Ms. Lauren Sanders as they
salute Youth, Pastors and Community Leaders.