P. 17

Omicron might be milder because it has a less

                effective way of attacking lung cells, studies say

                                                                                                one of the dominant roots for
             An annotated schemat-
        ic of entry routes used by                                                              infection in deep lung tissue
        the coronavirus shows the                                                               that’s associated with more
        difference between Omi-                                                                 severe disease,” said Gupta
        cron and Delta, according                                                                    Delta’s mutations mean
        to a recent study. Georgina                                                             it is much better at having its
        Brown/Joe     Grove/Insider                                                             spike protein snipped than
             Two recent lab stud-                                                               other variants, Gupta said.
        ies suggested a reason                                                                       By contrast, Omicron’s
        Omicron could be more                                                                   spike protein is very difficult   to infect these cells using a
        mild than other variants.                                                               to snip in half, according to   route called endosomal fu-
             They said its way of at-                              the  virus  can  infect  a  cell.   lab-test results cited in the   sion, according to the study.
        tacking cells works badly     replicates itself in the body.   One way relies on the    study on which Gupta is an    This would make it more
        in the lungs, where the vi-       Omicron “is actually                                  author. This would make       capable of causing infec-
        rus  does  the  most damage.  doing its own thing in many   shell of the virus fusing with   it  worse at infecting  the   tions with mild symptoms.
             But Omicron’s meth-      ways,” Ravindra Gupta, a     the membrane of the hu-                                        An annotated sche-
        od  is more  effective else-  leading variant research-    man cell. This route, called                               matic shows the location
                                                                   “cell-surface fusion,” is the
        where, which could ac-        er from Cambridge Uni-       route Delta prefers, accord-                               of a bronchus and a lung.
        count for its infectiousness.  versity and an  author  on                                                             Insider; These findings
             The Omicron coro-        the first study, told Insider.  ing to Gupta’s previous work.                           come after other lab stud-
                                                                       Cell-surface fusion can
        navirus variant might be          “The biology of the virus   be used only if a cell car-                             ies observed Omicron
        less severe in humans be-     is not the same as it was be-  ries  high  levels  of  a  mol-                          replicating  much faster
        cause it attacks human lung   fore. It’s almost a new thing.”  ecule  called  TMPRSS2,                                in airway and bronchi-
        cells in a different way, ac-     This provides new ev-                                                               al cells than in the lungs.
        cording to two laboratory     idence supporting the idea   which in the case of the
        studies published recently.   that Omicron is less danger-  coronavirus snips the vi-                                     Real-world data sup-
                                                                   rus’s  spike  protein in  half.
             A group of 31 scientists   ous, Gupta said. Numerous      An annotated sche-                                     ports this finding, as
        from different universities   other studies, and some re-  matic of entry routes used                                 Omicron appears to have
        collaborated on the proj-     al-world data, have suggested                                                           led  to  a smaller  percent-
        ect for the first study. The   the virus is causing less severe   by the coronavirus shows                            age  of hospitalizations
        second study was authored     disease and fewer deaths.    the   difference   between                                 than  Delta in  South  Af-
                                                                   Omicron and Delta, ac-
        by  34 scientists  from  Scot-    Experts   have    been   cording to a recent study.   lungs in the way Delta does.  rica, the UK, and the US.
        tish and English institutes.   hesitant to accept the find-  Georgina Brown/Joe Grove        On the other hand, Omi-      The results are pre-
        Both studies were published   ings too quickly, hoping for                              cron’s spike protein is much   liminary, but they support
        in preprint form, which       more conclusive data. The        TMPRSS2      is  found   better at binding to human    the idea that the variant is
        means they have yet to be     paper by Gupta and his col-  in  large quantities in  the   cells  in  general,  which  gives   less dangerous, Gupta said.
                                                                   lungs, meaning that vari-
        reviewed by other scientists.  leagues could help explain   ants  like  Delta  can  thrive   it an advantage in cells with-  “So this is what
             The researchers said     the difference in severity.  there, causing serious dam-  out TMPRSS2, the study said.
        that Omicron’s numerous           Two       ways      to                                     Airway cells have low  we think ties it all to-
        mutations appear to have      take   over    the    body   age to the people it infects.  levels of TMPRSS2, so Omi- gether,”      he       said.
        completely changed how it         There are two ways           “That is thought to be   cron is much more suited

        COVID-19: New variant, B.1.640.2, detected in France - study

        What do you have?                  The variant, tenta-     ing more transmissible.      discover the Airborne vi-    I am clear that Detroit and
        When will they know?          tively identified B.1.640.2      Whether this new pos-    rus may or may not be af-    surrounding cities have
        Will they ever tell you?      according to a recent study  sible variant is just as bad  fected by the vaccinations.   been totally negligent,
        They can’t keep up with it    backed by the French  will only be determined as  As they continue to grow  and have forgotten one of
        It keep multiplying grow-     government that has yet  experts gain further under-      and manipulate the system  the  number  one  defenses
        ing  and  developing  ways    to be peer-reviewed, is  standing of how it works.        in  which  they  infiltrate.  for this virus is face mask
        to  fight  us  it’s  a  true     believed to be Camer-         Whether this new pos-         The CDC many sci-       gloves and protected eyes.
        VIRUS MONSTER.                oonian in origin and has  sible variant is just as bad  entists around the world            Now that the election
             It’s another reason      so far spread to 12 pa-      will only be determined as  continue      to    uncover   is over mayor Duggan
        to  know  WHO  YOUR           tients in southern France.   experts gain further under-  the different manipula-      needs to send a clear mes-
        VOTING  FOR.    I  ask             This    new     vari-   standing of how it works.  tions as the virus contin-     sage through all black me-

        if they don’t have re-        ant    seems    to    have       Vaccinated or not Your  ues to grow it appeared  dia, for the short and long-
        spect for the  Virus and      46  new  mutations  as  husband your wife your  that we’re living in one  term as it stands right now
        diseases,  how  can  they     well as 37 deletions         son or your daughter that  of those movies that we  the virus is not going any-
        have  respect for you?             New       COVID-19      chooses not to wear a mask  could not believe could  where fast.  If your people
             The variant is be-       variants have cropped  and protect themselves are  happen  to us  on earth.            up-to-date on any of the
        lieved to be Cameroo-         up repeatedly over the  also treating you like there           As many govern-         information steady coming
        nian in origin and has        past year which have  is no love between you.             ments  and  City munic-      out it is obvious that the
        so far spread to 12 pa-       changed how the virus            Stop  the  fight  about  ipalities appeared to be  virus is multiplying more
        tients in southern France     has spread as well as its  vaccinations it’s about  taking it lightly, by not  than it is subtracting from
             A    new    coronavi-    lethality. However, only  protecting all of us.  The  informing         the   people   is impact.  we must protect
        rus  variant  has  been       a few newly discovered  virus keep changing and           of  the  effects  being  dis-  the  citizens  and those  we
        discovered     in   south-    variants are eventually  keep  growing  to  have  a  tracted  by  the  financial  love  by masking  up pro-
        ern France, spreading         found to be more danger-     fight  over  being  vacci-   gain of getting vaccina-     tecting  all  open  Avenues
        in a small outbreak, ac-      ous, either with a high-     nated  is  the  wrong  fight.  tions and public opinions.  the eyes the mouth the nose
        cording to a new study.       er mortality rate or be-         As we continue to             As I travel the country  by  any  means  necessary.

                                                                    Deion Sanders sends message

                                                                    after landing another top recruit

                                                                        Coleman Jr. marks
                                                                   another coup for Sanders
                                                                   and Jackson State, who
                                                                   continue to recruit well
                                                                   above their perceived
                                                                   weight. Sanders celebrat-
                                                                   ed the wide receiver’s de-
          KEVIN COLEMAN JR.                                        cision on Twitter, and sent
             Deion Sanders sent a     class, announced during      a clear message to those
        clear message to the rest of   Saturday’s All-American     who  had  questioned  the
        the college football world    Game that he was com-        program he is building.
        after bringing another top    mitting to play for Sanders   This comes on the heels
        recruit to Jackson State.     at Jackson State. Coleman    of Sanders landing the
             Kevin Coleman Jr., a     Jr. also had interest from   top-rated recruit in the  for top recruits, and he’ll  fame and reputation, too:
        four-star  recruit  consid-   blue-blood       programs    country.  There  is every  probably keep landing  it looks like the guy can
        ered one of the top ten       such as Florida State, Mi-   indication that Coach  some of them. The at- really coach and win the
        wide receivers in the 2022    ami, Oregon, and USC.        Prime will keep trying  traction goes beyond his  respect of his players.

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