P. 19


                          WE CAN DO IT IN SPITE OF THE OBSTACLES.

            Knowing or not know-      the same challenge No One  nessman Byron Allen has  its purchase of Meredith            cluding The Weather Chan-
        ing black men seem to all  Believes In Our challenges  purchased  Flint  TV  sta-       Corporation’s Local Me-       nel and the free-stream-
        get the same answer  from  or our success in the space of  tion WJRT for $70 million,  dia Group, the compa-          ing service Local Now.
        those we speak to about the  media greatness.  For the fu-  bringing to 24 the number  ny said in a press release.        Allen, 60, was born in
        multi-million dollar tril-    ture of our images black and  of local stations he owns.       Allen Media Group        Detroit and grew up in Los
        lion-dollar  business  of  be-  brown men, women, boys         He purchased the sta-    was founded by Byron Al-      Angeles. His mother, Car-
        ing in the media ownership  and girls having a chance of  tion from Gray Television,  len in 1993. Besides the        olyn Folks, worked at NBC

        space. last I spoke with Mr.  eliminated  is Byron Allen,  which had to sell to satis-  local stations, Allen owns    in Burbank as a publicist.
        Byron Allen we all spoke of       Comedian and  busi-      fy regulatory approvals for  12  television  networks  in-

          From the photo lens of International PhotoJournaist Gary Hunter a reflection of some of the great moments captured that made history never to be
                                     forgotten but always to be reflected upon for a smile, smirk or just a giggle enjoy the view.


        Continued from page 7                  Men and Women with the badge

             Violating  the  citizens  rank and requested a meet-  and they’re  linked  to that   is wrong and you identify  with doing the right thing
        civil rights human rights in  ing with former Detroit  weapon, those lives are af-      that to a supervisor, if that  as a police department.
        total disregard of the dam-   Police  Chief James Craig  fected  forever,” Ball  con-
                                                                                                institution  takes negative       Nationwide  we must
        age it could cause the citizen  but was denied the meetin  tinued.  “Employment  ap-    action toward you, that’s  take  under  consideration
        in  which  he  has violated.      “I don’t recall a meet-  plications  for whether  you
                                                                                                a    classic  whistleblow-    the many citizens that have
             Creating another cit-    ing requested by Ball. That  have ever been arrested will   er’s case,” Perkins said.   been victimized by depart-
        izen and community that  does not mean he didn’t  have  to  be  checked  ‘yes’               Standard respond from  ments across the country.
        would totally  disregard  try through the chain of  and it stays on your record.”
                                                                                                the  Detroit  Police  Depart-  Many have prayed about
        the respect they owe the  command  and was de-                 He      says    99.9%    ment. “First, we have a  this  and  we have  not  seen
        sworn  officers  they  be-    nied. During my tenure I  of      the   people   affect-
                                                                                                lot of respect for Detec-     the end of GOD  uncov-
        lieve to Serve and Protect.   have  met  with lots of of-  ed by this were  African     tive Ball, he has given 35  ering what has been done
             We see here a 35-year  ficers  at  their  requests.”  American     and    Latino.  good years of service,” said  in the Darkness trust me.
        decorated veteran com-            Ball says his power          Ball  spoke out pub-
                                                                                                Graveline a public relations      No governor no may-
        plained  publicly  about  the  as a supervisor to deny an  licly  to the  media  Detroit     He says they were  or no police  chief will be
        practice and has since filed  arrest  warrant  for a  CCW  police  chief  White  send a
                                                                                                surprised by Ball’s pub-      able  to cover up the  dam-
        a whistleblower  lawsuit.     case if he deemed it with-   memo to all DPD precincts.   lic  complaint on May 27,  age you have done to many
             Marcellus Ball retired  out probable cause was            “He put out a teletype   2021. Graveline says Ball  citizens and people of God.
        from the Detroit Police De-   stripped away. It’s  some-   to the entire department
                                                                                                was  moved over a dispute         As we move forward
        partment this year after 35  thing he says he had done  saying be conscious of          with  his  supervisor  at  the  we must hold accountable
        years on the job working  for more than two decades.       what  you’re  doing,  make
                                                                                                10th precinct and that Ball  the  officers  the  County
        task force  with the  gov-        As a result of me com-   sure you have individu-      could have made  a formal  Sheriff’s the State  Troop-
        ernment, domestic vio-        plaining,  my  immediate  alized  probable  cause,”       complaint  with  the  Equal  ers and any form of law
        lence,  narcotics  and more.  supervisor took that right       Ball  says he felt  un-
                                                                                                Opportunity  Commission.      enforcement to be servants
             Twenty-five  years  as  from me and I had those  der attack  for voicing                Let us be mindful you  to the people to protect and
        a detective, Ball was never  rights my entire career  as  concern.  He  was moved
                                                                                                have a right to go to equal  serve the people and not
        disciplined  and  was hon-    a supervisor,” Ball said.    from the detective’s bu-     opportunity    commission     dictators  by the ego-driv-
        ored  by the  president  at       Ball says the pol-       reau to the 12th precinct.   but you also have a right  en attitudes of authority.
        the  White  House for her-    icy was a verbal  one            Balk  thenGet  called
                                                                                                to call an attorney and take      I pray that any abuse
        oism when his precinct  in the 10th precinct.              in  the  office  and  told  I  no   civil litigation to the court.  that  you  show on  anyone,
        was attacked by a gunman.         “You’re a supervisor  longer  work here,  I’m  go-
                                                                                                     Many  attorneys  like  comes back on your fam-
             “I love investigation,  and you make the statement  ing downtown because I’m       to see the EOC investigate  ily  and the  ones you love
        I love  the  city  of Detroit,  that everybody in the car if  being  investigated  for  this   with the government’s Au-  as  the  Bible  says 10  Gen-
        I love the Detroit  Police  a gun is found, everybody  and  for that  — I have  35
                                                                                                thority which gives you an  erations may you suffer in
        Department,”  Ball said.      is going to jail, I don’t care  years on this job,” Ball said.  edge in litigation if the in-  disgrace before the people.
             But he noticed  an  what  the  circumstances              Attorney  Todd  Per-
                                                                                                vestigation goes in your fa-      It’s time  out for the
        alarming uptick in carrying  are,” Ball said he was told.  kins “He was more than       vor.  Often times a right-to-  men  and  women  of  GOD
        a concealed  weapon cases         The  former  detective  chastised, he was threat-     sue  letter  from  EOC gives  being silent.  They must
        and everyone in the vehicle  says that action can ruin a life.  ened, he was demeaned,
                                                                                                you a big illegal asset for lit-  stand  true  on  the  WORD
        being arrested and charged        “You have guns found  he was belittled,  he was       igation to go in your favor.  OF GOD  which says
        without  probable  cause.     in  the  trunk,  six  people  threatened  to be  moved  to
                                                                                                     Graveline         says   bless you who do good
             “I’m seeing this, I  in the car, all six people  a different  department,”         they    have     investigat-  and curse those who do
        don’t like this. My officers  get  arrested  for that  gun     Attorney          Todd   ed the  cases Ball  said  evil.   Stop being silent  or
        are  seeing  this, they  don’t  when  you  cannot  prove  Perkins        of        the
                                                                                                he  had concerns  about.  weak trust  the  GOD you

        feel comfortable typing this,  they had it,” Ball said.        Perkins Law Group filed       If the Detroit police  believe in and preach about.
        I’m denying it,” Ball said.       “What happens to the  the whistleblower  lawsuit.
                                                                                                own Investigation has con-
             Ball  says he com-       lives of those six individ-      “So as an  employee,     cerns is it anything wrong
        plained to people of higher  uals who were in that  car  if  you see  something  that

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