P. 20


                                           No father No excuse No mother No excuse
          Batter, beat, molested, raped, backstabbed Short Change, underpaid,

         not paid, take the time and realize your DNA does not have failure in it.

            That is just a spirit that don’t belong to you invading your FAITH that

                will give you the power to endure in spite of the circumstances.

             Soooo you mean  by ruthless slave owners.             Sons daughters and moth-     rejection, face one obsta-    against them so yes I say
         to tell me that someone          Took names with no  ers being burnt alive.            cle,  lose one friend, get  there is no excuse for
         down your ancestry line  last names, no birth cer-            Fought  in World         overlooked, and you want  you to give up or fail.
         survived being chained  tificates, no heritage of  Wars as soldiers to re-             to quit? How dare you en-         Stand strong  move
         to other human bodies  any kind, braved the Un-           turn to America as boys,     tertain the very thought  in  faith  stand  in  your
         for several months in the  derground Railroad, sur-       marched in Birmingham,       of quitting. People you  favor speak with God
         bottom of a disease-in-      vived the Civil War to en-   hosed in Selma, jailed in    will never know who           walk with God talk
         fested ship during the  ter into sharecropping...         Wilmington, assassinat-           survived from gen-       with God live with
         Middle Passage, lost             Learned to read and  ed in Memphis, segregat-         eration  to  generation  so  God make sure you
         their language, customs  write out of sheer will  ed in the South, ghettoed            you could succeed. Don’t  ask yourself is God
         and traditions, picked  and determination, with  in  the  North,  ignored  in          you dare let them down!!  pleased with me  today.
         up the English language  the fear of being beat or  history books, stereo-                    Man, Woman, boy            We are a people of
         as best they could while  killed for learning, faced  typed in Hollywood...            or a girl if you are black  faith and when we study
         working free of charge  the burning crosses of                Yes in spite of it all   there’s no excuse to give  his word hear his word
         from sunup to sundown  the KKK, averted their  someone in your family                  up every issue you have  move and believe in his
         as they watched babies  eyes at the Black bod-            line endured every era to    with no freedom and no  word there is no need
         sold from out of their  ies swinging from ropes  make sure you would get               Authority to fight many  to give up we have the
         arms and women raped  hung on trees. Father,  here and you receive one                 of the articles that was  winning         prescription.

                           OFFERING YOU AS MUCH INSPIRATION
                                  AND INFORMATION WE CAN

                          THE SHOT NEWS IS AVAILABLE TO PUT

                          YOUR STORY IN THE NEXT ISSUE.  TELL
                          YOUR OWN STORY BEFORE SOMEONE

                          MIS TELL IT.  313-442-6111
                          SPECIAL ADVERTISING RATES.

                          We pray that the inspiration of the photo stories gives you a thought away
            from where the pandemic could be driving you think of a great moment somewhere else.
            Or just information you may have missed as we take you right in the midst of the history
            making moments through photos.

            GARY HUNTER

                  MAIL US AT: 1401 FORT ST • SUITE 32503 • DETROIT MI 48232



           Pastor Gary Hunter International Presidential Photographer known for years as preacher and photographer of the Stars as
           he traveled the country with President Barack Obama to 46 States. including Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the opening of Cuba
           and has captured some of the greatest moments in history that has been displayed across the country.  Now brought di-
           rectly to you in THE SHOT NEWS.  Please feel free to share your thoughts as I take you on a journey through my photo lens
           across the country.  Anticipate the moments of being able to enjoy photos from historical moments as we witness history.
           Call us for your next event, let us capture your moments in history. 313-442-6111

             SHOTS THAT MAKE THE DIFFERENCE - FOR PHOTO ORDERS CALL 313-442-6111                                 20
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