P. 18

Wake Up Detroit!

             Which     city   lead-       The     man,    Nijeer named        Nijeer    Parks        “I did have a back-      which was  used by the
        er which county lead-         Parks, said he had “never    learned the police had is-   ground, but I’d been  Michigan State Police.
        er is willing to spend  been” to the site of a shop- sued a warrant for his ar-         home  since  2016  and  I  NJ  Advance Media ini-
        time in jail until we  lifting incident but was ar- rest.  Parks,  who  doesn’t  had been in no trouble,”  tially suggested that the
        understand      this    all. rested after contacting the  have a driver’s license,  Parks told NJ  Advance  technology at the center
             Police chief local  police  to  clear  his  name. told NJ  Advance Media  Media. “The whole thing  of Parks’ case was devel-
        and Statewide  law-en-            About a year after the  that  he  asked  his  cousin  scared the heck out of me.  oped by a company called
        forcement     which     son incident, New Jersey’s  to drive him to the police  I’ve been trying to do the  Clearview  AI but later
        which daughter which  attorney general, Gurbir  station to clear his name.              right thing with my life.”    walked it back, saying
        wife which husband will  Grewal, ordered the police            “I  had  no  idea  what       The          incident    the source was unclear.
        you  sacrifice  to  spend  to stop using facial-rec- this was about,” he said.          wouldn’t be the only case         In Parks’ lawsuit,
        time in jail while we fig- ognition          technology. “I’d never been to Wood-       of mistaken identity via  his attorney reported-
        ure  out  the  right  knowl-      A Black man is su- bridge before, didn’t even  facial-recognition tech-             ly accused the police of
        edge on technology???? ing  a  New  Jersey  po- know for sure where it  nology, which experts  excessive  force,  false
             A Black man spent  lice department after he  was.” Upon arriving at the  have said has a racial bias  imprisonment, and cruel
        10  days  in  jail  af- says  he  spent  10  days  station, however, Parks  and can be less accurate  and unusual punishment
        ter he was misidenti- in jail after being mis- said, he was handcuffed  with nonwhite skin tones.                     and is seeking compen-
        fied  by  facial  recogni- identified  by  facial-rec- and spent 10 days in jail.            Earlier this year,  sation for physical and
        tion, a new lawsuit says ognition            technology.       According to NJ  Robert             Julian-Borchak     emotional       suffering.
             A Black man is su-           In early 2019, the  Advance Media, Parks              Williams was arrested in          In about a year after
        ing a New Jersey police  police were called to a  fought the charges and  Detroit, accused of steal-                  the shoplifting incident
        department after he says  shoplifting incident at  ultimately got them dis-             ing  five  watches  costing  at the center of Parks’
        he  was  misidentified  by  a Hampton Inn hotel in  missed.           Parks’    attor-  $3,800  from a Shinola  case, New Jersey’s at-
        facial-recognition     soft- Woodbridge, New Jer- ney says the police and  store in October 2018.                     torney  general,  Gurbir
        ware  and  wrongly  spent  sey.  The  suspect  fled  the  prosecutors        pursued         Unbeknownst         to   Grewal, said the city
        10  days  in  jail.    10  days  scene,  however,   clip-  his client based only        Williams at the time, he  had ordered the police
        he’ll never get back of his  ping a police car with  on          evidence     provid-   had been misidentified by  to stop using facial-rec-
        freedom peace of mind  his vehicle on his way. ed through facial-rec-                   facial-recognition     tech   ognition      technology.
        that may not be recovered.        Weeks later, a man  ognition           technology.    called DataWorks Plus,
              The NBCSL continue in the celebrations through luncheons and working breakfast working through every event there was no time wasted each
         event highlighted one of the issues challenging our communities nationwide proud to say President Billy Mitchell along with Paula Hoisington Executive
             Director and all the team members made us proud as Legislators from all over the country were informed from morning til night equiping them
                    to go home and continue the fight.   All photos can be ordered by calling 313-442-6111 or email at

                                        President Billy Mitchell
                                         and Executive Director
                                           Paula Hoisington

                                                                         Detroit well represented by State Representatives
                                                                                Tenisha Yancy and Helena Scott

                                                                      Publisher Gary Hunter with Secretary of HUD Marsha Fudge, Mayor of Atlanta Andre Dickens,
                                                                    Senator Warnock,  Ambassador Andrew Young and Lynn Whitfield as we all enjoy seeing each other
                                                                                    actually in public again friendships never die when there real.

                                                                                                                               Publisher Gary Hunter
                                                                                                                                shares a moment with
                                                                                                                              friend and business mogol
                                                                                                                                  Mack Wilbourn.

             SHOTS THAT MAKE THE DIFFERENCE - FOR PHOTO ORDERS CALL 313-442-6111                                 18
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