Page 204 - FBL AR 2019-20
P. 204
Fermenta Biotech Limited
Annual Report 2019-20
Notes to the Consolidated financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2020
14 Inventories
( H in Lakhs )
March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019
(At lower of cost and net realisable value)
Raw materials and packing materials [includes stock in transit of H490.14 Lakhs (as at March 31, 5,308.05 4,050.21
2019 H66.11 Lakhs)]
Work-in-progress 5,140.06 2,939.87
Finished goods 2,018.85 1,482.55
Stores and spares 391.23 293.90
12,858.19 8,766.53
Notes :
(i) The cost of inventories recognised as expense is disclosed in notes 35, 36, 40 and as purchase of stock-in-trade in the Consolidated
statement of profit and loss.
(ii) Inventory write downs are accounted considering the nature of inventory, ageing, liquidation plan and net realisable value. Write downs
of inventories amounted to H19.07 Lakhs (as at March 31, 2019 - H17.43 Lakhs). The changes in write downs are recognised as an expense
in the Consolidated statement of profit and loss.
15 Investments (Current)
( H in Lakhs )
March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019
In Mutual funds at FVTPL*
Unquoted investments (Units of H10 each fully paid)
Union Capital Protection Oriented Fund - Series 7 - 114.79
Nil units (as at March 31, 2019 - 10,00,000)
- 114.79
* Investments in mutual funds have been fair valued at the closing net asset value (NAV).
16 Trade receivables (unsecured)
( H in Lakhs )
March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019
Considered good 6,977.42 6,554.40
Credit Impaired 366.61 308.73
7,344.03 6,863.13
Less: Allowance for doubtful debts (expected credit loss allowance) (366.61) (308.73)
6,977.42 6,554.40
Movement in the expected credit loss allowance
Balance at the beginning of the year 308.73 1,033.63
Addition during the year 91.46 64.34
Written off during the year - (789.24)
Reversal during the year (33.58) -
Balance at the end of the year 366.61 308.73
17 Cash and cash equivalents
( H in Lakhs )
March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019
Balances with banks
In current accounts 747.13 1,174.10
In deposit accounts with original maturity for less than 3 months - 2,899.06
Cash on hand 4.32 3.34
751.45 4,076.50