Page 59 - FBL AR 2019-20
P. 59
Corporate Statutory FinanCial
overview StatementS StatementS
Fermenta is committed to its Triple Bottom generated during product processing of Treatment, Storage and Disposal
Line business approach, emphasising are recycled through the recovery plant Facility of hazardous waste (TSDF); all
the importance of people, planet and and reutilised; about 95% solvent were hazardous chemicals were segregated and
profit. The Company recognised the recovered and recycled into the process. neutralised for safe disposal.
importance of reducing carbon footprint, The Company commissioned an in- Process and fuel combustion-based
which determines the way we source, house environmental laboratory for air emissions, including workplace emissions,
utilise and allocate resources. Maintaining and effluent monitoring. The Company were effectively controlled through
sustainability is also an essential periodically monitored regulatory values scrubbers, effective stack height and
component of our business continuity. We for NOx, SOx and particulate matter, while good manufacturing practices to
contribute towards environmental issues reducing SOx generation through boiler reduce fugitive emissions. The Company
through our Environmental Solutions fuel conversion. continued to invest in reducing air
business vertical, which offers solutions The Company followed the classic ‘3R’ emission levels through the adoption of
around waste-water treatment and strategy of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle for cleaner technologies/fuels, monitoring of
management, and also in our business waste management. Waste generation was combustion efficiencies and investments
park, which is a ‘green’ building. contained within the limits as stated by in state-of-the-art pollution control
Fermenta is conscious of environment the Centre Pollution Control Board (CPCB) equipment.
protection. The Company has formed and State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs) To prevent contamination in sewers
a core environment team discipline to across all divisions. and rivers, the Company adopted
supervise and co-ordinate environment The Company installed a primary, voluntary control values for pollutants
related activities/initiatives across the secondary and tertiary treatment-based that were stricter than the legal and
organisation. The Company adopted ETP of adequate capacity, designed to regulatory values. The Company handled
focused strategy towards waste comply with on-ground disposal norm. large quantities of chemicals across
management through waste minimisation Treated effluent is monitored on real- manufacturing facilities; it applied
and the conservation of resources. In time basis through an online monitoring voluntary control values to prevent soil
the manufacturing units, mixed solvents system. The Company was a member contamination.