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EXHIBITORS (continued)                                                                          = NSAA Sponsor

        value/gift card system, lodging reservations   Bill Brandt, Jeb Ellermeyer, Greg Eppich,   operating costs, and maximizes your
        and ecommerce for season pass sales,   John Glockhamer, Bill Grewe, Dan Kelsay,   snow inventory.
        reservations and registrations.      Dennis McGiboney, Kevin Moudy, Paul   Todd Hermsen, David Rowlett
        Casey Parliament                     Scanlon, Stefan Spindler, McKay Wilson
                                                                                  Leitner-Poma of America, Inc
        ISR Int Ropeway Review               KneeBinding                          BOOTH 117
        BRIEFCASE                            BOOTH 218                            2746 Seeber Drive, Building A
        Leberstrasse 122                     782 Mountain Road                    Grand Junction, CO 81506
        Vienna, Vienna  1110 AUSTRIA         Stowe, VT 05672                      (970) 241-4442,
        +43 1 74095 492,          (802) 760-3026,  Leitner-Poma offers complete cable
        ISR, the International Ropeway Review, has   KneeBindings are the only bindings in   transport systems, including surface lifts,
        built up an international reputation as the   the world with PureLateral™ heel release!   chairlifts, gondolas, MiniMetro Automated
        leading journal for the ropeway industry   This patented mechanism can detect   People Movers, aerial trams, incline elevator
        and ski area operations. Editorial policy at   the specific forces that cause most knee   and 1.5 to 3.0 MW LeitWind turbines (with
        ISR is focused on a knowledge transfer of   injuries on skis, and can release just before   long term maintenance).  Leitner-Poma
        specialist information from the experts and   the forces are great enough to otherwise   provides engineering, manufacturing,
        coverage of the latest developments in the   injure the knee.             sales, service (electrical and mechanical
        industry worldwide.                  John Springer-Miller                 upgrades, tech support, gearbox
        Michael Lobmaier, Claudia Mantona                                         inspections and repairs) and system
                                             Landway                              installation.
        JK Architecture Engineering          BOOTH 516                            Scott Bierman, Daren Cole, Katie Gresham,
        BOOTH 504                            2368 Lincoln Avenue                  Jon Mauch, Mike McGuckin, Rick Spear
        165 River Road, Suite 1              Hayward, CA 94545
        Tahoe City, CA 96145                 (650) 483-4266,      Liftopia, Inc
        (530) 583-9222,   At Landway, we provide logo'd outerwear   BOOTH 124
        Architectural, civil engineering and   such as soft shells, fleece, puffers, 3-in-1   1061 Market Street, Floor 4
        structural engineering planning and   system jackets, base layers, and moisture-  San Francisco, CA 94103
        design services.                     wicking tops for retail, uniform, and   (415) 625-0991,
        Kevin Chappell, Jordan Knighton      rental needs.                        Liftopia is an online sales and marketing
                                             Bryan Bernaldo                       tool for ski-related products and services,
        Kassbohrer All Terrain                                                    including lift tickets, learn-to-ski packages,
        Vehicles, Inc                        Leica Geosystems                     rentals, and lessons. Liftopia helps resorts
        BOOTH 205                            BOOTH 121                            utilize yield management to generate
        8850 Double Diamond Parkway          5051 Peachtree Corners Circle        incremental revenue. Liftopia links
        Reno, NV 89521                       Norcross, GA 30092                   customers who want to ski more with
        (775) 857-5000,  (720) 325-6985                    resorts looking for new business.
        PistenBully 600E+ is the world’s only snow  Adam Lasky, Dave Madden, Kathryn Quinn
        groomer with diesel electric drive. A huge   Leica Geosystems solutions are trusted
        step forward in groomer technology.   by professionals worldwide to help them   Lumiplan North America
        The 400 ParkPro for terrain parks. The   capture, analyze, and present spatial   BOOTH 409
        PistenBully 600 4.5 ton winchcat for   information. When mounted on your   PO Box 2698
        maintaining steep slopes. SNOWsat GPS-  snow grooming equipment, the iCON   Mission Viejo, CA 92690
        based slope and fleet management with   alpine machine control system provides   (949) 887-0847
        snowdepth measurement accurate to    real-time 3D snow-depth measurement
        within 1.5 inches.                   and position information. This reduces   With over 45 years of mountain expertise,
                                                                                  Lumiplan has become the leader in real-
                                                                                  time communication solutions (digital
                                                                                  signage, real-time information software,
                                                                                  mobile/web apps). Lumiplan’s products are
                                                                                  the benchmark for dynamic communication
                                                                                  and serve over 140 mountain resorts
                                                                                  worldwide. We are constantly innovating new
                                                                                  products for the ultimate skier experience.
                                                                                  Julien Chassagne, Patrick Grand'Eury,
                                                                                  Patrick Leipold, Christian Lorenzi

                                                                                  Magic Carpet Lifts/RMCE, Inc
                                                                                  BOOTH 316
                                                                                  6750 E 46th Avenue Drive                                                              Denver, CO 80216
                                                                                  (303) 333-5778

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