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EXHIBITORS (continued)                                                                          = NSAA Sponsor

        Citizens' Climate Lobby              years, well known worldwide for custom   Sales, Membership, Ski School, Booking,
        BOOTH FOYER                          made solutions. Patented CWA models and   Online Registration, Restaurant, Payment
        14137 Glacier View Drive             brands include OMEGA, ROTAIR, ZETA,   Processing, access control including the
        Truckee, CA 96161                    KRONOS, TARIS.                       Direct-To-Lift feature, Staff and Back Office
        (415)-699-9223                       Raimund Baumgartner                  Management.                                          Luc Huyghe, Lynda St. Germain,
        Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) is a non-  Deasonbuilt Manufacturing, LLC   Randy Swain
        profit, nonpartisan, grassroots advocacy   BOOTH 122
        organization focused on national policies to   1237 Vawter Road           Ecosign Mountain Resort
        address climate change. Our consistently   Medford, OR 97501              Planners Ltd
        respectful, nonpartisan approach to climate   (541) 890-4238,  BOOTH 417
        education is designed to create a broad,   Deasonbuilt Manufacturing is the largest   8073 Timber Lane, PO Box 63
        sustainable foundation for climate action   manufacturer of mountain bike carriers for   Whistler, BC  V0N 1B0 CANADA
        across all geographic regions and    ski lifts and gondolas in the United States.   (604) 932-5976,
        political inclinations.              Visit us at     International planners of four-season ski
        Matt Tucker                          Kelly Deason, Jennifer Heitz         resorts and associated development.
                                                                                  Mountain and village master planning for
        Colorado State University            DemacLenko America                   new and existing ski areas. Four-season
        BOOTH 420                            BOOTH 123                            resort planning and design, ski resort
        1480 Campus Delivery                 264 NH Route 106                     planning, golf course routing and design,
        Fort Collins, CO 80523               Gilmanton, NH 03237                  recreational planning, village and resort
        (970) 491-7292, https://warnercnr.   (603) 267-7840,   base area planning, residential planning,  DemacLenko, a part of Leitner Group,   financial feasibility and planning,
        Natalie Ooi                          provides complete turnkey solutions for   operations consulting.
                                             your one trail, your system of trails, or   Eric Callender, Ryley Thiessen
        Concierge by Foodbuy                 for the entire resort. Master planning,
        BOOTH 404                            installation and start-up, service &   Elan USA Corp
        2400 Yorkmont Road                   maintenance. 100% automation, very   BOOTH 621
        Charlotte, NC 28217                  low energy, and snow guns perfected for   93 Etna Road
        (323) 804-1025                       marginal temperatures assure you can   Lebanon, NH 03766           focus on your customers.             (603) 448-3101,
        Concierge by Foodbuy is the nation's   Steve Daly, Dennis Kinsella,       Elan is a market leader in rental ski systems.
        largest hospitality and leisure procurement   Alessandro Rachetti         Elan specializes in the development of
        company. We equip our clients with over                                   durable rental skies focused towards
        $20 billion in Fortune 100 purchasing   Doppelmayr USA, Inc               encouraging skier conversion/retention.
        power helping them to secure the most   BOOTH 101                         Elan’s developments include the Explore
        competitive pricing on food, operating   3160 West 500 South              series of fleet rental skis. Alpina specializes
        equipment, and supplies necessary to run   Salt Lake City, UT 84104       in Alpina downhill rental/retail ski boots &
        their resort operations.             (801) 973-7977,  rental/retail Nordic boots, bindings, poles
        Dick Cohen                           Design, manufacture, and install surface   and skies.
                                             lifts, fixed grip and detachable chairlifts,   Rick Cherashore, Rob McCutcheon
        Corporate Season Pass                gondolas, aerial tramways, and funiculars.
        BOOTH 500                            Engineering and installation services   Entegra Procurement Services
        2115 Sherman Avenue, Suite 201       to upgrade and re-install existing lifts.   BOOTH 317
        Coeur D'Alene, ID 83814              Replace/upgrade drives and controls to   9801 Washingtonian Boulevard,
        (800) 211-5633                       current standards. Provide service and   Suite 1425C          training both on site and in our facilities,    Gaithersburg, MD 20878
        Corporate Season Pass markets and    for all levels.                      (708) 790-4646,
        sells any and all ski resorts’ corporate   Maurice Andrey, Cooper Bateman, Mark   Entegra Procurement Services is a leading
        season passes.                       Bee, Michael Doppelmayr, Geno Leslie, Eric   provider of procurement services to the ski
        Robert Doss, Cody Johnson, Kim Metcalf  Mann, Shawn Marquardt, Russ Roselius, Tom   industry. We are part of a supply program
                                             Sanford, Felicia Schulz, Randy Woolwine  that manages more than $8 billion in
        CWA Constructions SA/Corp                                                 spending for food, services, and supplies
        BOOTH 103                            E4Soft Inc                           and serves more than 20,000 client sites
        Bornfeldstrasse 6                    BOOTH 419                            throughout the United States.
        Olten, SO  CH-4601 SWITZERLAND       2572 Boulevard Daniel-Johnson        Frank Beaber, Susan Marconi
        +41 62 205 6000,          Laval, PQ  H7T 2R3 CANADA
        Conception, design, manufacturing, and   (514) 396-7247,  ExtenData Solutions
        sale of cabins and vehicles for cable   E4Soft’s E.R.P. solution provides its clients   BOOTH 401
        car and people mover systems, such as   with a fully-integrated and optimized   7399 S Tucson Way, Suite B1
        gondola lifts, aerial tramways, funiculars,   management system. The E4Soft solution   Centennial, CO 80112
        shuttles-monorails. In business for over 70   software range includes Ticketing, Point of   (303) 928-8344,

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