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= NSAA Sponsor
EXHIBITORS lb, and 5 lb boosters. Specialty sizes and with the most effective means to advertise
configurations are available upon request. in-house profit centers.
1RISK Serena Staggs Jeff Griffing
2390 Mount Hope Road ACL STRONG Alpine Media Technology
Fairfield, PA 17320 BOOTH 512 BOOTH 501
(717) 296-1646, 779 Trailside Place 18133 E Dorado Drive
1RISK provides an integrated suite of San Marcos, CA 92078 Centennial, CO 80015
cloud based Risk Management Data (760) 290-9300, (303) 895-7275,
Solution tools. Products include dispatch ACL STRONG helps skiers and The world’s only digital media system for
management, incident tracking, accident snowboarders protect their knees and add chairlifts and gondolas that enables ski
investigation, park data management, years to their careers on the snow with resorts to engage with guests through:
checklist/inspection, digital waiver a proven, step-by-step injury prevention trail maps with real-time GPS; real-time
management, and grooming task training plan. ACL STRONG is an interactive lift line and trail status updates; grooming
management. We provide services to ski online program for ski area employees and reports; weather and traffic updates; safety
resorts, water parks, and adventure parks departments to reduce injuries, improve messaging; emergency broadcasts from ski
around the world. mobility, and enhance performance. patrol; local amenities; and much more.
Charles Mickley, Kim Minton Leslie Desrosiers, Patrick Desrosiers Jeff Connors, Freddie Peyerl,
Gerrit VandeKemp
3DS Inc ADG (Aquatic
BOOTH 319 Development Group) Alpine Shield
2829 Norland Avenue BOOTH 309 BOOTH 517
Burnaby, BC V5B3A9 CANADA PO Box 648, 13 Green Mountain Drive 601 Union Street, Suite 1000
(604) 980-2450, Cohoes, NY 12047-0648 Seattle, WA 98101
3DS specializes in turn-key design/build (518) 783-0038, (206) 695-3168,
remodels for resort F&B facilities. We ADG's Mountainside division designs and USI Insurance Services with Alpine Shield
provide interior design and fabrication builds recreational attractions that enhance helps resort operators make decisions
services for bars, food courts, coffee ski resorts by creating year-round, revenue- that create value and manage risk. We
bars, and fine dining establishments. Our driving destination experiences. Their give clients access to the full range
projects maximize utility and customer flow, advances in the development of the Alpine of products and services in insurance
increase profitability while enhancing your Mountain Coaster and Mountain Slide and risk management consulting,
customers’ dining experience. products have led to industry changing employee benefits, retirement plan
Ross Ireland technologies that are quickly becoming the services, executive benefits, and business
new standard in mountainside attractions. continuation planning.
accesso Ray Lauenstein, Jessica Mahoney, Ed Fugo, Jerri Tranquilli
BOOTH 313 Lewis Wemple
302 Camino de la Placita Aluvii, Inc
Taos, NM 87571 AllOver Media BOOTH 522
(386) 956-4303, BOOTH 601 3214 North University Avenue, #615
Discover the strength and flexibility of 16355 36th Avenue North Provo, UT 84604
the accesso Passport eCommerce and Minneapolis, MN 55446 (801) 901-7900,
accesso Siriusware point-of-sale software (800) 525-8762, One cloud software to manage everything!
solutions. A powerful combination to AllOver Media connects brands to Aluvii core modules include ticketing,
provide improved guest service, increased consumers. Our imaginative out of home equipment rentals, POS, membership
efficiency and streamlined operations. Our ad products are designed to reach people management, eCommerce, event and ski
solutions represent the latest in technology, wherever they go in unexpected ways. school scheduling, inventory management,
and offer flexibility to meet the changing We deliver unrivaled national coverage HR & timekeeping, sales & marketing, guest
needs of your ski area. and precise targeting to provide solutions portal, and much more. Benefits: It’s all-
TJ Christensen, Frank Good, Mechele wherever they are needed. in-one, it’s cloud-based, it’s mobile ready.
Larmore, Eric Petrusic, Scott Sahadi, Ryan Slack Updates are automatic.
Phil Schwartz Bryan Brinton
AllOver Mountain Group
Accurate Energetic Systems, LLC BOOTH 603 Amlon Ticket, Tag &
BRIEFCASE 361 Southside Drive Label Company
5891 Highway 230 West Basalt, CO 81621 BOOTH 604
McEwen, TN 37101 (970) 920-4656, 254 Helicopter Circle
(931) 729-6622, www.AESYS.BIZ AllOver Media Mountain Group provides Corona, CA 92880-2531
AES manufactures cast boosters for ski areas with our patented MapLinks map (951) 278-8888,
avalanche control in a variety of sizes display system. MapLinks mounts to the Supporting the ski industry for over 33
from 3.2 oz. to 80 oz. All AES boosters safety bar of ski lifts, providing skiers with years, Amlon manufactures lift tickets,
have a single cap-well with an optional a convenient map of the mountain while at season pass cards, wristbands, vouchers,
second cap-well (twin-plex) on our 1 lb, 2 the same time providing resort operators tags, labels, and many other specialty